Junior Year? When the fuck did that happen?

Aug 05, 2008 17:53

So yea, now that I'm a big bad upperclassmen, I don't feel any cooler.  I think it's because I've been hanging out with the big kids since freshman year so it doesn't really phase me to be one, and I don't look down on the little kids because I've been in their situation.  My schedule is pretty good friend-wise and location-wise but it's gonna be hectic.  Here's what it looks like

1.  History (Mitchell) - After visiting Senora Cosenza every morning I go next door to history.  There's like a million people I know in this class, but I'm sitting in the back corner with Gayle, A-ray, Casper, and Jay.  The teacher actually seems like a pretty ok guy, with a mild side of douche-bag.  I'm not too worried about the class because I have every test and he's admitted that if you have the test and study the actual information from them you'll be good to go.

2.  Calc (Spitz) - After a quick visit with Jack Earl and Tamby I head to Calc.  Mr. Spitz is hilarious, all he does is yell at people and call us stupid.  Right now we're just reviewing pre-calc so it's not too intense yet, and I'm hoping it doesn't get too intense because I don't have Brian in my class to bail me out if I'm really not getting any of the concepts.

3.  Physics (Hessler) - So I visit with Ms. Murray real quick (if you haven't realized by now, I'm a pretty big kissass) then I go to Physics.  Mr. Hessler is a cool guy so far as I can tell, but he teaches things really, REALLY slowly.  I've heard the class is gonna be mad hard, but so far I'm doing alright.  The first webassign was easy, and other than it being a bitch that you can't confirm your answers with other people it's a very convenient way to do work.  We haven't done any labs yet, but the first one we're gonna do is pushing his car out in the parking lot... awesome.

4/5  Concert Choir (Traub) - Sadly because of Physics I'm only taking Choir four days a week this year.  Still, I love that class.  I just feel so at home there.  I talk to Traub like he's just another kid and he doesn't care at all.  I'm running for president this year, and Tim's been pitching a total shit about it.  He drove to a party I was at just to bitch me out and then leave, I honestly almost ran after him to go kick his bony ass.  There's no poles going around so I don't really know where I stand, but I'm thinking that when the votes come in on Monday I should be ahead, fingers crossed.

6/7  Health (Sutphin) - Oh god, this class is awful.  Because of my Physics / Choir situation, none of my friends are in my health class.  It's just like four popular kids and a bunch of black  and / or latina degenerates.  I'm just gonna kind of lay low and occasionally be the smartest kid in the class.  Hopefully when we get to Gym there will be people I actually like there.

8/9  Psych (Page) - I really hope I like this class because I've always wanted to take it.  I'm really interested in the study of Psychology, but so far, we're just making "About Me" collages.  I hate making collages.  Period.

10/11 Language and Composition (Bausch) - I honestly wanted Hammond this year because I knew I would learn alot from her.  Good news about Bausch is, he's supposedly really really easy.  So far he seems like a cool enough guy, and I have alot of friends in that class, so I'm good in that respect.  Hopefully he likes my writing style as much as A-Lo did ,because if I've learned anything, it's that if an English teacher likes the way you write you can do whatever the hell you want in their class.

12 Lunch - I have friends in lunch, but we're not all sitting together because there's just not enough room.  I'm with Brian, Nelson, Amy, Gayle, and Kevin Otah.  It's not too bad, I get to steal Chex Mix from Amy every day!

13 Spanish 4 (Williams) - I dunno if I'm worried about this class yet or not.  Senora Williams talks alot of Spanish and sometimes I get lost, but from what I can tell from the other kids I seem to be comprehending a little bit above the average for the class.  I love Spanish, and I especially love blurting random phrases in class so I should be able to have some fun in this one.

Yea.  That's my school year right there.  I'm still working, which is kind of a pain in the ass, but I gotta make them dollar bills to pay for gas once I start driving.  I've got a good amount of cash stored in my bank account, which I can't access of course.  But it's still good to know I have money ready to go in case of an emergency.

I think that's all I've got to talk about.  Bye
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