Torchwood Review: To the Last Man

Feb 01, 2008 12:33

I know that this review is even later than normal, but I had technical difficulties wherein my AC Adaptor bite it and I was without my computer for a few days.  So I didn’t even get to see the episode until last night.  But in case there is anyone out there who still cares, here are my thoughts.

Little things…

Oooo...Old School Torchwood!

Tosh is super cute!

Ianto’s utter look of disgust at being expected to make the tea.

The “ghosts” in the hospital, super creepy.

3rd week in a row of the Torchwood team acting like, well, a team.

Did I mention how cute Tosh is?

More in depth…

Tosh & Tommy

They were just so cute!  Running around like teenagers and flirting like mad.  Yeah you know it’s doomed, but the truth is so do they.  It’s interesting to hear people talk about Tosh and her stumbling into doomed relationships, because in this case I don’t think it’s that simple.  She knows this one is doomed before it even begins and says as much when she talks about worrying Tommy will watch her grow old.  But he lets her be herself, even if only for one day a year and that is what Tosh is longing for.  And as for Tommy, he knows that this can’t end well, no matter what people have told him.  You can see it in his eyes.  As innocent as he is, I find it hard to believe that he is that naive.  So they fall in love, because (for all of us) now is the only moment that is guaranteed and you have to make the most of the time you have.

Both Tommy and Tosh also make very realistic heroes.  You may know that your sacrifice is the right thing to do, but it doesn’t mean you have to like it and it doesn’t mean you won’t fight it kicking and screaming for as long an you can hoping for another option.  And I appreciate in the end that even though she knows she’s done what’s right, she still questions whether or not the world is worth the sacrifices that people make for it.  A question that must always haunt even the truest of heroes.

Tosh & Jack

I love this relationship and I wish we got to see more of it.  Tosh, like Ianto, has a way of gently pushing Jack and making him feel like he can open up that isn’t as forceful and demanding as Gwen’s approach usually is.  And it is nice to see Jack giving Tosh some much needed affirmation.  Tosh is too often overlooked and unappreciated, and encouragement from Jack is something I think she needs from time to time.  His willingness to back off and let her handle Tommy in the way she saw fit spoke volumes more that words ever could.

Ianto & Gwen

I really like seeing these two interact and develop a friendship and I hope that will continue.  Of course, I would appreciate it more if I didn’t feel like the writer were intentionally trying to start a shipper war with the same characters, but whatever.

*sticks fingers in ears and hums really loudly*

Jack & Ianto

As happy as I am about the snog (and DAMN...what a snog it is!) I loved so many other things about this scene even more.  A kiss does not a relationship make, but the beautiful intimacy and interaction between these characters cries out that this relationship has evolved beyond just an office romance.  Went Ianto asks if Jack would return to his own time and Jack gives one of his usually flippant and evasive responses of “Why, would you miss me?"  Ianto’s unabashedly honest answer of a simple “Yep” refuses to allow Jack to brush the moment off.  He forces Jack, in his subtle way, to answer the question and share something real and deeper with him.  And as much as Jack has most of the lines in the scene, it’s clearly Ianto who is taking the lead in showing that he expects more from Jack than just surface.  Sometimes I wonder how long it’s been since someone expected, and wanted, more from Jack than just sex and to be the dashing hero.  I see these two characters as being really good for one another, and a balance that they each have been missing.  This is a wonderful relationship that the writers and actors can do a lot with and I look forward to seeing it grow and deal with future challenges.

Tosh & Owen

I have always been hopeful for this relationship, even if it is only friendship, because again, these two balance each other really well.  They have both grown up so much since last year, and while I will always want Owen to be a little snarky, I am so please with how he is growing into a true team member and a caring friend.  Tosh has become more confident in her own strength and skills and somewhere in the middle these two appear to have come to an understanding.  Owen sees Tosh as being more than just their tech geek and Tosh, while I believe she still has a strong affection for Owen, has pulled out of the schoolgirl crush stage and is ready to accept whatever kind of relationship Owen is ready to offer, but no longer content to sit around and pine for him.  They are both at such a healthy place and I look forward to what will happen next with them.

Overall, perhaps not as action packed as the last 2 eps have been, but a solid story with a lot of wonderful character and relationship development.

Next week:  Yeah, I know all about the downer spoilers for this one, but you know what?  I refuse to focus on that.  Call it denial or delusion, whatever you want.  For me, next week is all about Yeah Rhys!

show reviews, torchwood

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