These are really general questions about terminology that I've encountered while researching keeping an aquarium. I'm stuck in rural Georgia for a few weeks so I'm trying to get thoroughly familiar with the apparatus of the hobby before I start looking at tanks/equipment/paraphernalia in LA
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Yes. Gas exchange only happens at the surface of the water when its moving/agitated, so what you want to do is create a current right at the surface of the water.
Now if I understand correctly there is a distinction between the swimming room an adult animal needs, which could have other animals (or plants) in it, and the water volume necessary to support a particular size/waste-production-level of fish (I read that goldfish produce disproportionate amounts of waste for their size).
You do understand correctly, that's why its just a general guideline and you'd do best to check with experienced fishkeepers when stocking your tank. There are lots of fish that don't apply because they are notorious for creating waste... goldfish, like you mentioned, are like this. also, plecos.
I gather I shouldn't even look at animals and plants until I have tank, equipment, substrate, hiding places for the fish and the whole panoply of aquarium chemicals.
I totally disagree. You need to do research on the specific needs of your species before you pick out equipment, substrate, hiding places, etc. For example, if you want african cichlids, you'll need a smaller grade substrate that they can dig through. If you want kuhli loaches, you'll need a something sandier so as not to hurt their delicate bellies. How do you know what you need, if you don't know what kind of animal you'll be taking care of? In my opinion, the most rewarding fish are the most particular about their needs :)
Are either of those species weedlike?
I don't think these ones are considered invasive weeds. For easy weedlike plants, I recommend anacharis and fanwort. I actually might have some fanwort if you're interested in that. I could sell you some of that and then just give you some free starters for the other two plants, if you wanted to try them out :)
I know I'll make mistakes, but I'm determined to know as much as possible beforehand.
Don't worry, you seem to be doing an excellent job with your research. And we all make mistakes! Even the experienced people in the community will always have something new to learn.
So the countermetaphor would be buying a bunch of guitars and amps and equipment and then having a kid and expecting him or her to be a musician just because of that, I guess =) OK, I guess it won't hurt to look at a few fish before I get a tank etc.
I don't think these ones are considered invasive weeds. For easy weedlike plants, I recommend anacharis and fanwort. I actually might have some fanwort if you're interested in that. I could sell you some of that and then just give you some free starters for the other two plants, if you wanted to try them out :)
Wow! OK, I definitely should remember you, but it'll be a few weeks before I can talk turkey since I'm on a research trip right now.
And no problem about the plants, just send me a PM whenever you're ready for them. The longer you wait, the more fanwort I'll have for you :D I do Paypal. I also make the occasional "It's time to prune!" posts where I sell plants in the community, so keep an eye out for those as well.
It's not in the cards. I'm much more of a research and shop around type buyer than an impulse buyer. And the fact that these are living beings with whom I'll have a relationship for a long time (hopefully) makes me that much less inclined to buy something on the spur of the moment.
That having been, I can see the appeal - some of those fish are pretty cute! But I figure I can leave the impulse buying of live animals to people with the experience to handle that sort of thing =)
I think I'm gonna get an iPhone. Then I'll be able to do research right on the spot :O
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