(no subject)

May 01, 2005 21:34

another weekend down. another week of work to come...

im actually looking forward to going back to work. ive given myself the task of creating ten or so new plans to build. so thatll be fun. i need something to set our houses apart in this town. theres way too many contractors, and we need that extra something. it ought to be a challenge, but i have some good ideas.

something is seriously going wrong with houma. it seems like all the crap from new orleans is starting to flow a little south. first, there was that hacked-up body found in a freezer a few months ago. then there was that wally world shooting. now, theres some kind of serial killer running loose in the area. all the reasons that i give as to why id never move away (safety, small town feel), theyre all going to hell. i was driving thru some neighborhood today, in the back seat of a car, just looking at all the houses and people outside, and i had this feeling ive never had before- one of extreme cynicism. all these people, lounging around the front yard, doing nothing in this do-nothing town- theyre missing out on so much. im starting to feel trapped here. and the worst part is im the one who laid the trap.

the good news is that im financially stable. but ive got it in my head that once the good economy around here dries up, im packing up. i just hope i can make enough money in the meantime. itd be some shit if i just bought an old convertible, threw everything worth something into the trunk, and just started driving...

oh, i went to donner today to play some golf at this little rinky dink course with some friends. i did ok, nothing spectacular. i lost 4 balls over 18 holes. i mean, i think i did ok. not a single par. hell i dont think i had a single bogey. but the best part of it was that on the door to the bathroom (which could only be pushed open) was a huge sign reading "pull".
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