Vanessa wore that cage dress to our prom in the desert this year. Oh! And the skirt with the big tubes is habitrail that had hamsters running around in it for Art Walk a few years back. This one is amazing too.
We should figure out a way for you to meet sometime when they're up here for something. When we all dressed in Kentucky Derby costumery to ride carosels in SF, she wore a giant chicken suit. I'm pretty sure the two of you would find something to talk about. :p
Yup. They have one of the spots in the Brewery. Miss B spent a great night helping lead Vanessa around in the giant doll costume (Mathilda) one night the last time she was in the desert.
Their stuff is just amazing. And I *heart* the rogue taxidermy with all of my soul, so they have a special place on my "awesome" list.
Vanessa wore that cage dress to our prom in the desert this year. Oh! And the skirt with the big tubes is habitrail that had hamsters running around in it for Art Walk a few years back. This one is amazing too.
Their stuff is just amazing. And I *heart* the rogue taxidermy with all of my soul, so they have a special place on my "awesome" list.
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