Nov 30, 2007 15:49
I just realized the other day that I haven’t had eggs benedict in almost a year and I haven’t missed them, not even once, and I still don’t. Which is really funny considering the many brunch-mornings in SF when I HAD to have eggs benedict, NEEDED them and would accept no substitute. I think I’m going to have to revise my definition of “need.”
One thing we can learn from the Europeans is that straight men are perfectly capable of dressing themselves like decent human beings. I will no longer accept the “I’m just a guy, what do you expect!” excuse for refusing to wear anything but tee-shirts and ratty jeans.
Holy Hell is it cold! All you people from the East Coast who’re always waxing nostalgic about the “seasons” - you’re freaking nuts. I’ve spent the vast majority of my time here being either too hot or too cold, and I’m damned sick of it. I’ve been looking at a couple possible jobs here in Budapest, and whenever I consider the prospect of staying for another year or two, the only two drawbacks are 1. I miss all you dopes back home and 2. the freaking weather!!! While part of me is really sad to leave Budapest, one thing I WON’T miss is the goddamned seasons.
There were a few scant weeks of decent weather between the heat of summer and the freeze of winter, and I was sick or out of town for all of it, so I never got to do any of the lovely day rides that I was planning for that brief moment when being on a bike all day long wouldn’t result in heat stroke or frostbite. God I love SF and it’s glorious temperate climate! Too bad it’s so exceptional in the world.
Broomsticks and security personnel:
A couple of my friends and I have been amusing ourselves trying to figure out how I’m going to manage to bring home two souvenirs that I really want to keep: a large broom and a giant wooden spoon. I’m hoping they’ll both fit in my checked luggage, because I’m pretty sure I’m going to get flagged as a terrorist if I try to bring these things on the plane with me. Either that or a witch. Tunde says I should just threaten to turn any security person who tries to fuck with me into a newt ;p
See you all in less than three weeks! holy crap!