Feb 08, 2004 18:00
so friday i smoked out with jaime and art that was fun i burnt my bangs a little bit from the matches. i was like man this weed is good becuz i heard it burning, but i was like why does it smell like hair and jaime was like OoOoOoh shit ur hair is smoking. it was funny. then saturday night was sooooooooo much fun. it my cousin arts 21st birthday party/ going away aparty to europe for school, although i consider him my brother. i love him soooo much. Welll i got drunk. i was dancing my asss off. thats how drunk i was. It was the best night i had in long time.
so are there any girls out there who would like to be my valentine... my origional valentine is ditching me for a party which sucks bad. What girls want to cheer me up. i doubt any girl will reply though.
p/s thanx to all you people with the wonderful comments on my last entry. it helps... and too all you other people who didnt comment. i hope you die of an anal disease hah