~Obviously Vampire Diaries was AWESOME! but HOLY CRAP Community was FREAKING AMAZING!!! This seasons been a little hit and miss so far, but this episode was epic.
~I LOVED the Han/Leia reference, and I loved even more that it was between Troy and Abed. SOULMATES!
~The whole bit with the cat, BRILLIANT.
~Every single thing Troy did and said, especially his dracula costume - so hot! Also Troy was the hero, YAY!
~Shirleys costume and everybody thinking she was Miss Piggy.
~Dean Pelton as Lady Gaga.
~The change in the title sequence.
~Abba playing throughout the whole thing.
~The George Takei voiceover.
~Everything, just everything! The only thing that could have made it better would have been an itty bitty Jeff/Annie scene, but I will not let the lack of them so far this season stop me from loving this show.
~Last nights Big Bang Theory and The Office were also good, Timothy Olyphant is just so dreamy, I want Justified back on now.