First off, Happy Belated Birthday!! to
crazy__girl Hope you had a great day.
This wasn;t the best episode ever, although I don't think it helped that I'd already seen all the C/B scenes, why do I do this to myself? I always regret it once the episode's aired. Also the version I watched on the internet had the sound like 10 seconds behind, which was seriously annoying.
But anyway, Chuck and Blair were still amazing, the scene where Chuck's trying to seduce Blair was the hottest thing ever (I'll sleep with you Chuck!) And then their makeout had so much electricity, they managed to turn the power back on, hee.
Everyone else just failed in comparison. I mean D/S have no chemistry, and it's just not fair to them when their boring scenes happen after C/B's hot scenes. But Nate/Vanessa were cute, and Vanessa was actually likable, keep it up.
I've forgotten what else happened, um, Marcus needs to GTFO my show, Jenny just irritated me as usual, Nate was being an idiot, like I said Dan/Serena bored me, and Chuck and Blair were just awesome the whole time, together and apart, except for Blair going after Marcus at the end, WHY?
Watched Sarah Connor Chronicles as well, and it continues to be awesome.
And I'm sorry I haven't posted in a week, but I've read and commented so I feel less guilty. I was gonna post on Sunday and rant about how much I hate my dad's girlfriend, but I figured nobody wants to read that. But I am seriously pissed off at her for butting into my life when it has absolutely nothing to do with her. And if anyone's seen that episode of HIMYM when Ted dates the woman who just talks and talks and talks, that's what she's like, I mean seriously she nevershuts up. Okay so you got a little rant *shrugs* oh well.
Oh and yesterday my eye just all of a sudden felt like it had been punched for no reason, and then I wake up this morning and it's like swollen up, which is fanastic :(