Dec 14, 2004 17:33
Following a household involved in a resistance movement. The police and the military were the same unit and one of the two antagoinists to the group we were following. The other team they were pitted against were ninja, and never seen. Anyone who saw the ninja, died.
The dream also focused on a group of 6 orphaned kids, 12 and younger, who had aligned themselves with the resistance movement that the 4 people living in the small house were involved in. The kids spent most of their time riding around on their bikes blindfolded, under the belief that the Ninja ONLY killed those who saw them.
The people in the house were renting it, but had moved everything into the onecar garage, and had put up some for sale signs as cover (house looks vacated)
The dream ended just after the kids were cornered by a few dozen large armored vehicles and instructed via a bullhorn type amplifyer to remove their blindfolds, at first the kids resited, refused - but once they complied, they relaized some of the people dripping off every corner and edge of the military convy were famliar to them... the vehicles were captured in a confrontation between the underground and the military.