The Long Promised Post...

Jan 24, 2006 16:22

Obviously I have not kept my promise of updating on Christmas. It kind of is funny how I can write in tons of other journals and not my own. Anyways I guess I should eventually put something down in this one.
Starting of with what I did promise to write about.

Christmas- This is my favorite time of the year, besides the day we get of school and start summer break! Anyways I am a big holiday girl and celebrate Christmas to the fullest. Christmas Eve was the same old fun things with a slight twist which was kind of weird, but all good in the end. Let me tell you this though never ever sleep in one room with your siblings unless you know what you are getting into and know that they will have the same sleeping conditions you do. Also never sleep with them if they tell you to shut up and be quiet when they themselves can not stay quiet and let me sleep as much as I can until the clock strikes 3:30 a.m. Also Don't try to think that your traditions of listening to a wonderful music box that you always do since you where very little will not be disrupted because they will hate the music box and protest against it until you threaten to play it over and over until it can be played all the way through with out complaint. For heaven sake just let the Santa music box play!
Anyways sorry went on a random rave about that. Anyways so I got up and to my surprise I had a camera laying out for me to play with! I was so excited about this. So we pretty much just stayed up from 3 to 6 playing with the few items that where left out to look at and then got my parents at 6 so that we may open the rest of our presents. I got everything I wanted in so much more, let me tell you! I did get a bit disappointed when I kept feeling presents for the Ipod I had asked for forever and never felt it. Also the fact that I had the camera instead of that puzzled me because I had asked for both, but when asked which I would rather have I said I-pod! To my great surprise when all presents had been opened my daddy brought out something else for all of us... I bet I don't even have to say what it was. Anyways yes it was an Ipod and not just the mini it was the VIDEO! Squee! I loved that moment so much; in fact right now at this very moment I am listening to my beloved Ipod. Anyways once all the presents where opened and I was spoiled like none other we had to get ready for church and type up my talk that I was giving that very morning. Don't you love last minute stuff like that? As if I had not stressed enough over getting my presents finished I had to finish my talk and give it. Luckily everything went smooth and people thought I did great. Later that night we had our annual Christmas day party. All my family came and had dinner/snacks and we exchanged gifts. Cindyrella23 Spoiled me so much and gave me one of my all time favorite gifts. She knitted me a Gryffindor scarf and Gryffindor Christmas sock which had tons of Harry Potter goodies and some glasses! I love it so much! So the day ended wonderfully with me getting so much more than any girl could want and being around the people I love the most!

School- Well as most of you know the term just ended and it was the worst week of my life as a 15 year old. No joke. Stress got to me and I became depressed for the weekend which sucked a lot, but my daddy snapped me out of it. Now it is a new term and all is looking good so far. I just have to make a few things up for the day I missed and I should be all good. I am still looking for an all A term. Hoping that this will be the one that starts the all A thing.

My Health- I am very blessed to be very non sick and non injured most the time, but I became injured from dance a few weeks back. I did something very bad to my rib cage and had to go to the doctor the day before one of our comps. At first he thought I had punctured my lungs, but luckily for me that was not the case. When he sent me back for x-rays I got all psyched out and almost threw up. I had already been there once before when I was younger and had broken my wrist. I hate the feeling of the doctor’s office and I hate being there unless it is mandatory. This time it was, since you know I didn't want to kill myself the next day. To my luck the x-ray machine broke and I was stuck with no x-ray. Not knowing what I had done the doctor told me to see how it felt in the morning and do what I thought was best. Then he gave me a 2 weeks of note. I had the choice, make my side swell and hurt with every dance I did or let my team down the day before and have the re do the dance formations over.

Drill-Same old same old we went to 2 comps in the last few weeks one in which I was injured with my ribs. I choose to stick with the team and be brave, deal with the pain. Let me tell you I had to seriously try my hardest not to show pain on my face while dancing. It was kind of funny it was like a test every time. I would ask my coach if I looked like I was in pain and every time I seemed to improve until I finally got rid of it and smiled my biggest cheesy smile for novelty.
The last competition was fun; we got the whole day off and went to Chilies and stuff, but with one big part of us missing.Our coach went into labor the day before and had her baby. So Karen the wonderful D CO coach came with us. I still haven't seen the baby yet, but I can't wait too. Anyways I did my very best the competition, but sadly like most comps the judges where prejudice and we did not make it to state. Which we where fine with because we knew we did our best and plus we where getting sick of the comps and judges. My family and many other that had come thought we should have placed, and they didn't just say that because they are our friends and family, but because in the end they thought our team did better than the other ones that messed up quiet a bit.

I have no comment... ;)

Friends and Family- All is well right now and I can't think of much to say about them right now....
I just want to talk with Blue and Emma Watson. Blue goes on and on and never had called me when Emma has. OH well although I become doubtful sometimes that she is friends, I believe in her and she promised to bring a picture of Matt, Emma, Devon and Her when they where little and all living in the same area. Anyways If I do talk to Emma ever this weekend which we are planning on it then I shall have a long update on that. Tell then that is what has been going on in my random, fun, and exciting life.

health, family, christmas, friends, drill, my life, harry pottter

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