Title: Every Thought That Flows Through My Mind
Fandom: The Rockford Files
Pairing: Ginger Townsend & Lou Trevino
Theme: #18 - Kiss
Rating: T/PG-13
Words: 500
Warnings: Presumed character death, grieving
Notes: Continues from the previous one. I love arcs....
By Lucky_Ladybug
Lou had both imagined and dreamed many times of finding Ginger alive and relatively well, or at least, able to be helped into being well.
Sometimes he ran across Ginger wandering down a street, dazed and injured. Sometimes he didn’t recognize Lou or remember anything about himself. But Lou took him home and helped him, and gradually his memory began to return.
Sometimes he was laying in a dark alley, having either collapsed from injuries sustained in the crash or having been cruelly mugged and beaten or stabbed. Ginger wasn’t a physical fighter. He would try with all his might, but without his guns he didn’t stand much of a chance against someone bigger and stronger. And in his already injured condition, he was more helpless than ever. But he recovered, even in the version where Lou found him painfully stabbed in the stomach.
Sometimes he was burned in the fire and appeared so badly mutilated that Lou didn’t even recognize him until he called out, desperate for his friend to not pass him by. And Lou stopped, horrified, and stared at the disfigured man in denial until he saw something of Ginger in the hair or the eyes or the stance. Then he pulled Ginger to him, even though it was not usual for them, and embraced him in a mixture of horror and heartache and dismay and relief. Ginger was good-looking, and Ginger knew it. Lou hated to think of him trying to deal with being permanently marred. But at least he was alive.
Sometimes he was dead.
Lou remembered one very vivid dream in which he walked along the beach, near where the plane had crashed, and saw the waves lapping against a body on the shore. His heart lurched and he ran, calling Ginger’s name. But there was no answer, and as Lou ran the rest of the way and collapsed on his knees next to the form, he could see that Ginger was dead.
He was still recognizable, not mutilated or decayed. And Lou took hold of one last desperate hope, that Ginger had not been dead for very long and could still be brought back.
He pushed hard on Ginger’s chest, struggling to get the water out of his lungs. He bent down, cupping his mouth over Ginger’s as he repeatedly delivered artificial respiration. And at last Ginger gasped and choked, his eyes flying open as he returned to the world of the living.
In real-life, when Lou wasn’t dreaming, he walked along the beach several times and spotted a lifeguard or a family member or a friend bending over some poor soul and struggling to breathe life into them again. He always went over, his stomach twisting, wanting and longing for it to be Ginger no matter how impossible he really knew it was.
He always watched to see the person’s face and whether they came back.
Many times they did. A few times they didn’t.
But none of them were ever Ginger.