Title: Remember me, please
Fandom: James Bond (Skyfall era)
Characters: Q/James Bond
Rating: G
Theme: Memory
Words: 100
Summary: During a mission Bond bangs his head and has little memory of Q. Q talks him through times they’ve spent together hoping it jogs Bond’s memory.
Disclaimer: Don’t own, don’t sue. Characters belong to Ian Fleming and I am merely borrowing them with no harm intended to those concerned. No profit as been gained; drugs, money, sex or otherwise exchanged hands during the making of this work of PURE fiction.
"You don't recognise my voice?"
Bond heard the panic in "Q's" voice, he didn't want to further it, but he couldn't remember. Q's sigh pleaded with Bond to remember.
"Who are you?" Bond had to asked.
Q's voice broke; tears may follow. "I'm the man- I'm. . ." Q lowered his voice, "your-" Q gives up on that train of thought. "Devon" Q tries. Bond must remember that. Silence. "Your lips were. . ." Q licked his lips and sighed, "and it was like licking an ashtray, and-"
A smile broaden across Bond's face, "First date!"
He could hear the smile in Q's sigh.