Title: Bright & Cheerful
Fandom: Star Trek AOS
Pairing: Jim Chekov x Pavel Chekov
Theme: light
Rating: PG
Words: 100
Warnings: None.
Notes: None. Characters disclaimed.
Although he pronounces it more like Keptin, Jim Kirk loves the way Pavel Chekov says captain. There’s something oddly cute about the Russian accent, and the way he often struggles to pronounce some words, but Jim’s favourite by far is Keptin. He grins a little wider every time Chekov’s announces him on the bridge.
“Keptin on ze bridge”
Chekov’s voice is always chipper. He smiles just as brightly at Jim before making his announcement. He’s probably as happy to say it as Jim is to hear it.
It wasn’t just "Keptin", but it held a special place in Jim’s heart.