Title: Barbarians We Became
Fandom: Star Trek
Pairing: Jim Kirk / Pavel Chekov
Theme: dirty
Rating: PG-13
Words: 200
Notes: None. Characters disclaimed.
“Oh, that’s a little dirty, don’t you think?”
“I haff plenty more where dat came from!”
“Jeez, Pash! Where did you learn this stuff. . .” Jim sighed, “No, no” he added quickly, “Don’t answer that. I don’t wanna know!”
“You just vant to enjoy?” Pavel raised his eyebrows repeatedly, much to Jim’s amusement.
“Yes,” Jim giggled like a schoolgirl.
It didn’t put Pavel off though; he kept in character, being as professional in his role playing game as he was in real life.
Jim bit his lip, trying to suppress more laughter. Pavel was super cute, but this dirty talking just didn’t suit him. It shocked and surprised the Captain his young Ensign knew should profanity.
Pavel continued to mutter dirty words into his ear. The feel of hot breath against the sensitive skin around tickled the Captain further. His laughing fit would surely ruin the whole night.
Pavel kept up the act. Jim would’ve been proud had he been able to stop laughing.
“I’m sorry, Pash!” he breathed through flattening giggles.
“You vant me to stop?” Pavel asked.
“No, no” smiled Jim. “Please.”
With a lick of lips, Pavel disappeared under the sheets. Now wasn’t the time for talking.