Title: Mine
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairing: Peter/Lydia
Rating: PG-13
Theme: Weakness
Words: 119
Summary: Peter wants to make one thing clear.
Warnings: S2-ish.
Despite what Stiles said, Lydia didn't think she looked beautiful when she cried. And she hated to know people were watching as she did, particularly this guy.
Nevertheless, she cried. He took a step forward and she stumbled backwards, until her back was against the wall and he had effectively cornered her.
"Just remember, Lydia," Peter whispers into her ear, curling her strawberry blonde hair with a free hand. "That you're mine."
He places a kiss on her forehead in perfect silence, sending a chill through her whole body. And then he was gone.
"No. I'm not" she says to herself, sobbing. "I'm not..."
She repeats it, again and again, trying to convince herself.
She fails to do so.