Title: The Interrogation
Fandom: OUaT
Characters: Mulan/Aurora
Rating: K+
Theme: Bittersweet
Words: 409
Summary: Mulan questions a man.
Warnings: Little bit before S2 finale for obvious reasons.
The man produces a loud grunt as Mulan effectively kicks the man into the ground. She takes her sword out and places it before his throat, proving that she meant business. He brought his hands up, defensively, apparently getting the message.
"I gave you an option, easy way or hard way" she comments. "It depends on you how much harder is this way gonna get."
"Saving a soul taken by a wraith, that magic's quite dark for a fine lady like you" the man claims. "Who is this soul you are trying to save? Let me guess, one true love?"
Mulan tightens the grip on her sword. "No. He's not the on-" she punches herself mentally as soon as the words come out.
"Ah, I see" he grins. "That other lady who's probably chasing after us right now. I saw the way you looked at her. Does she know it?"
"Silence" Mulan commands. "Tell me how to save the soul or I swear to God, I will rip your throat out."
"Why do you even want to? You have that fine lady all for yourself. Afraid she might hurt your feelin-"
She rips his throat out, and watches the spark of utter shock and surprise in his eyes for a moment before life flows out of him. Can't say she didn't warn him.
It took a moment before Aurora finally caught up with her. Her look went from enthusiastic to disappointed in a second.
"Next time you run after someone, do you mind giving me a heads-up?" she requests, then staring at the lifeless body. "Did he know anything?"
"Nothing of importance, just that we need dark magic" Mulan finishes cleaning her sword and sheathes it again. "I was thinking to go back to Snow's castle. The Evil Queen used to live there, it's a start."
Aurora nods. She still looks disappointed, to which the other woman responds by holding her hand and giving it a tight grip.
"It's going to be okay" she says, and for a moment it looks like Aurora's going to believe that. "I promised you we'll save Philip and that's exactly what we're going to do. I'll see that you two meet again."
Even if there's a part of me that wishes you don't, but she leaves that part out, because she doesn't want to take that smile off Aurora's face, and because a bigger part of her hates herself for that thought alone.