Title: Home Again
Fandom: The Rockford Files (using characters from The Queen of Peru episode)
Pairing: Ginger Townsend & Lou Trevino
Theme: #22 - Recovery
Rating: K/G
Words: 500
Warnings: None
Notes: Concluding the arc (and the list of themes)
By Lucky_Ladybug
Ginger was home now, after a long night of talking to the police and being examined by a doctor. He had washed and changed clothes and was in the kitchen with Lou, sharing a light meal.
Lou could scarcely believe it. The past few hours had been like a wonderful dream, something too good to be real. But he knew it was real. Their prayers had been answered.
So had the prayers of several other people. The pilot had confessed that no one had died in the crash. All of the passengers had been abducted and taken to other locations, as part of the same sickening experiment. They were still being rounded up and rescued.
Even Lou's notes to Ginger had been recovered; the pilot had kept them with him to study. Ginger was pleased to have them back, but most of all he was happy that Lou was alive and they were together.
"It's been weeks," Ginger said. "You never gave up on finding me alive?"
"I never gave up wanting to," Lou said. "For a while, after I found your coat, I was tricked into believing you were dead. But then they stole those notes and I started thinking maybe you were alive and we were both being tortured."
Ginger cursed the pilot under his breath. "Oh," he said louder, "when he told me you were dead, he brought this to me as proof." He took the bracelet out of his pocket. "I cleaned it when we got home."
Lou took it in amazement. "I figured I'd lost this in the crash," he said. "I never thought it'd turn up with you. The nerve of that creep!"
"I recommended to the police that he not be boarded at the same institution as his teacher," Ginger remarked. "They should never have the opportunity to get together again."
He reached across the table and put the bracelet around Lou's wrist. Lou watched as he affixed the clasp, still stunned by the night's events.
"You had things pretty well under control," Lou said. "You got away all on your own before Mike or I even got there."
"But I would have run into more trouble if you hadn't apprehended that pilot," Ginger told him. "You made sure he was arrested. And I doubt I could have walked all the way to the city."
"You probably couldn't have," Lou agreed. "Not after what they did to you."
"Do I still have a job?" Ginger wondered.
"Mr. Stanley didn't want to think you were dead, either," Lou said. "He's had someone doing your job, but he'll be thrilled to get you back. He said they weren't doing it as well as you, and I have to agree."
Ginger nodded in approval. "Good."
"Of course, you don't have to go in right away," Lou said. "You can rest up first."
Ginger was fine with that. And as they ascended the stairs for bed, Lou smiled.
Ginger was home and the loud silence was gone.