Title: Sole Survivor
Fandom: The Rockford Files (using characters from The Queen of Peru episode)
Pairing: Ginger Townsend & Lou Trevino
Theme: #23 - Defeat
Rating: PG-13/T
Words: 500
Warnings: Cruel taunting, insistence that a character is dead, suggestion of suicide
Notes: Continuing the arc; inspired by the Sole Survivor episode of The Hardy Boys
By Lucky_Ladybug
The opening of the door roused Ginger from a sound sleep, as it had done many times in the past weeks. He stirred, his hair falling into his eyes. Annoyed and angry, he looked up.
His least favorite guard was there, sneering at him. “I have some news for you, Brit,” he grinned.
Instantly Ginger was alert. “And what news could you possibly have for me?” He sat up, reaching to pull the black trenchcoat more firmly around his shoulders.
“You recognize this, don’t you?” The thug held up a gold chain bracelet by one end, letting it swing back and forth in the air. Splotches of crimson eerily coated the links.
Ginger bounced to his feet in the next instant, reaching for the jewelry. “Where did you get that?!” he demanded.
“I think you know.” The guard continued to swing it in front of Ginger until Ginger’s eyes flashed and his teeth clenched and he snatched the object away.
“I have no proof that this is the bracelet Lou always wears,” Ginger said darkly. “You could have decided to trick me just to be cruel. After all, look what you did to Lou with my coat!”
“It is Trevino’s bracelet,” the guard sneered.
“And is this his blood?”
“Yeah.” The repulsive man leaned in close, enjoying what he was doing. “Seems he was in a smashup today. The bracelet slipped off his wrist in the crash and our boss took it to show you before it could be added to his personal effects. Now, what I’m curious about is, did he really, accidentally get into a wreck? Or did he feel so bad about you that he decided to end it all?”
Ginger’s eyes burned. “Lou is not suicidal and never would be,” he said. “And I am not the only person he cares about. If he was in a crash, you can be bloody sure it was an accident!”
“Well, either way, that means he’s dead now, doesn’t it.” The guard headed towards the door.
“Wait.” Ginger’s voice was filled with a chill the likes of which the guard had not previously heard from him. The scruffy man turned, suddenly apprehensive.
“There’s another way the crash could have happened.” Ginger began to walk towards him, deadly, dangerous. “If you set it up. And if I learn that you murdered Lou, there is no place on Earth or in Hell where you will be safe from me.”
“I didn’t set it up!” the guard yelped. “I gave you the bracelet like the boss wanted. Now I’m out of here!” He dove through the door, but didn’t manage to shut it before Ginger darted through as well.
“I am going to see your boss,” Ginger declared. “You are not to deny me. Is that clear?”
The guard shakily nodded.
Ginger clutched the bracelet as they walked. A sharp pain had formed in his heart.
You’re not dead, Lou. I won’t believe it.
But he could not help but worry.