Round 3

May 15, 2012 02:27


closing at 5000 comments

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round 3, kink meme

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Liam/Zayn, possessiveness intherubble May 15 2012, 06:42:48 UTC
The boys go to some sort of sporting event (any really, I have a thing for hockey specifically though)and the organization presents them with personalized jerseys with their names on the back. Zayn gets off on fucking Liam from behind while he's wearing Zayn's because of the way it says MALIK bold across Liam's back.

OR an AU where Zayn's some type of athlete and the same scenario.

for inspiration


Re: Liam/Zayn, possessiveness intherubble May 15 2012, 07:52:59 UTC

I need this more than I need air.


Re: Liam/Zayn, possessiveness dance_likehell May 15 2012, 11:44:45 UTC
I also need this quite hard.


Re: Liam/Zayn, possessiveness intherubble May 15 2012, 13:54:17 UTC
Yes please!


Re: Liam/Zayn, possessiveness intherubble May 15 2012, 16:13:31 UTC


Re: Liam/Zayn, possessiveness intherubble May 15 2012, 20:28:33 UTC
omfg i want to kiss you all over your FACE op djafhklasdfhjlash


Re: Liam/Zayn, possessiveness intherubble May 17 2012, 03:18:28 UTC
lol what is zayn's face doing in this pic?


Re: Liam/Zayn, possessiveness intherubble May 21 2012, 04:38:31 UTC
HAHAHAHA i just noticed


Re: Liam/Zayn, possessiveness blackroxduh17 May 21 2012, 04:06:23 UTC
/crying why has no one filled this yet???


Re: Liam/Zayn, possessiveness lourry_love May 22 2012, 23:20:31 UTC
Seriously? Such a hot prompt and yet no one has filled it? So sad :(


Re: Liam/Zayn, possessiveness 1/3 buggzarlolo May 24 2012, 08:55:38 UTC
((I never watch hockey and I can't spell check so be nice, but here you go ;) I hope you enjoy it!))

It's Liam's 19th birthday and he gets 2 tickets to his first Hocky game from his parents. The Toronto Maple Leaves, his favorite team. He calls up his friend Niall and they plan a trip to the next town over. 5 days later it's game day and they drive, wait in lines, sit fairly close to the front, and Liam beams the entire time. His and Niall's cheeks have small blue and white lines of paint on them for support and they're wearing a jersey from each of their favorite players. Across Niall's back is "STYLES", and across Liam's is "MALIK."

Liam and Niall stand up with the rest of the crowd and cheer when the teams get introduced and come skating out on the ice rink, The Maple Leaves coming out first, shaking their sticks in the air. He spots number 5, who's helmet is off and who seems to be smiling just has hard as Liam. Dark skin, black hair, and the name "MALIK" plastered across his back. Liam feels like a little girl at a concert seeing Zayn Malik in person, even if he is just in the crowd. He's watched Zayn ever since he started playing, knows all his secret moves and votes for him in all the contests. Zayn is the reason Liam himself has started playing Hockey. Zayn puts his helmet on and they all skate into their posistions.

The game is hectic and surprisingly there were more checks against the glass window panes around the rink than Liam thought there was going to be. Both teams had an insane amount of penelties, but Maple was in the lead. He kept his eyes fixed on Malik for most of it and cheered extra loud when he made the tie-break point, jumping from his seat and wrapping his arm around Niall from excitment. The game stayed good all the way through until Zayn was pulled out after being slammed against the window. Liam sat back down when he watched him skate into a door that probably led to the locker rooms, feeling anxious, hoping he'll be okay. Some people rooting for the other team sitting near Liam and Niall seemed to get in an argument with some Maple fans. Liam ignored it until one of them was pushed and a brawl broke out. Liam pushed Niall out of the way before the two grown men bumped into Liam and an elbow hit Liam in the nose.
"Shit." Liam said calmly when he felt blood running from his face and some hands grabbed his arms and pulled him above a few rows of seats. He thanked the people who grabbed him, mumbled to Niall to save their seats while he made his way to the bathroom passing security guards running to stop the brawl.


Re: Liam/Zayn, possessiveness 1/3 buggzarlolo May 24 2012, 08:56:28 UTC
Liam furrowed his eyebrows at the blood that dripped on his jersey. After trying to wash them out he finally just takes it off, thank full he wore a sweater underneith it. He blows his nose and sticks a few wads of paper in his nostrils to stop the bleeding. Putting some tissue in his pockets for later use he walks out of the bathroom and looks around. A few people are walking around but the hallways are empty. The other bathroom had a line of people sticking out the door, so he wandered around looking for another one and ended up in an empty part of the arena. He sighs and brushes off the pulse in his nose before walking in one direction that he hopes will take him back to the game while looking at the plaques of previous teams lining the walls.
Liam jumps a little and turns around to the voice. His breath catches in his throat and his knees feel weak when he sees a giant number 5 on the jersey of the man who adressed him. Liam makes a gurgling noise when he tries to speak and Zayn Malik grins and laughs a little, still dressed in all of his hockey gear, skates being the only thing missing replaced with black shoes.
"I saw that fight, are you okay?" Zayn asks, calm, smooth, just like Liam had imagined.
"Uhm...yeah." Liam rubs the back of his head in a nervous fashion. "Err, uhm, I saw you get okay?"
Zayn smiles again.
"Yeah, happens every game. I pretty use to it now." He crosses his arms. "Can I offer some ointment for your nose?"
Liam raises his eyebrows and clears his throat, embarrased. Not wanting Zayn to know he has a giant celebirty crush on him.
"Well I mean, I don't want to be a burden...don't you...have to play some more?"
"Nah, the games almost over, we're in the lead, and my hip isn't stable enough right now. I think we'll be okay." He grabs Liam by the hand and starts pulling him in the opposite direction Liam was walking. Liam's legs go weak and he has to mentaly tell himself 'left foot, right foot, left foot...'
"What's your name?" Zayn asks.
"Liam..." Zayn lets the name roll of his tongue.

Zayn brings him into what Liam assumes is a private locker room because it's full of different jerseys and different skates. Zayn sits him down on a table and tells him not to move. He disapears into an office and Liam leans over a bit to try and see what he's doing. Zayn comes back with a small bottle and some tissues.
"You know, if you block the blood flow like that-" Zayn points to Liam's tissue job. "-it could cause infection or blockage. You should let your nose run, and never tilt your head back either." Zayn puts a little ointment on a tissue and hands it to Liam. Liam pulls the tissue from his nose with an "oh..." as a reply to what Zayn said and throws them in a near by garbage. Liam believes him though. He's a hockey player after all, probably gets bloody noses every game. Zayn smiles and rests his hand next to Liam on the table.
"How old are you, Liam?" Zayn asks.
"Uh, 19, 5 days ago." Liam pats the inside of his nostral with the ointment. Zayn smiles, nods and looks at the jersey scrunched up over Liam's shoulder. He grabs it with his middle finger and his thumb and slowly slides it off Liam's shoulder. Liam watches Zayn open it in front of his face, only his eyes peeking over the jersey. Zayn sees his own last name on the jersey and smiles, looking at Liam who is now about 10 times more red.
"What's this?" Zayne brings the jersey down and points at the blood drops. "From your nose?"
"'s stained. I'm really bummed out." Liam admited, looking at the tissue that was in his nose and seeing only a tiny bit of blood. The bleeding has stopped. He sees shuffling from the corner of his eye and looks up to see Zayn strip his jersey off. He blushes again because Zayn is not wearing anything underneith the shirt, revealing his toned stomach.
"Here." Zayn said, holding his jersey out. "You can have mine."
Liam's eyes widen and he slowly takes the shirt, bewildered that not only has he met his hockey idol, he also just helped Liam fix his nose and gave him his jersey. He asks himself, what next?
"Liam, can I kiss you?"


Re: Liam/Zayn, possessiveness 3/4 buggzarlolo May 24 2012, 08:57:45 UTC
And Liam is dead. He died when the guys hit him in the face back in the rinks, he knows it. He's laying dead on his seat, and this is all a dream, right? Liam makes another choking noise and clenches the jersey when Zayn leans in and gives him a warm kiss. They kiss for a while, Liam too stunned to move until Zayn breaks it and says against Liam's lips,
"Put it on."
"Wha-what?" Liam is dazed.
"The jersey." Zayn puts a hand on the jersey, squeezing Liam's thigh throw it.
"Okay." Liam starts to put it on but Zayn stops him.
"Take that sweater off first." Zayn smirks and watches Liam shiver when he removes the sweater and puts the jersey on. He leans in to kiss Liam again before backing up.
"Okay, turn around, let me see." Zayn makes a little circle with his finger motioning Liam to spin. Liam slides off the table and turns around, putting his arms out. He looks over his shoulder and sees Zayn cross his arms.
"Yeah, perfect."
Liam turns to face him again and Zayn is on his mouth again, his hands on either side of Liam's face and his tongue sneaking into Liam's mouth. Liam's convinced himself that he is most definitaly dead when Zayn starts kissing his neck and pushes him against the table.
"W-wow..." Liam puts his hands on Zayn's arms, not knowing what to do. He's kissed a boy once and had sex with his girl friend when he was 16 but that was it.
"Is this okay?" Zayn mouths next to his ear and Liam gets chills. He nods and takes a deep breath when Zayn's hands wandering down and under his jersey. Zayn bites his neck and Liam is over-whelmed and moans. He braces one hand against the table and the other goes into Zayn's hair turning his head to kiss him again. Zayn breaks it to kiss his collar bone.
"Do you have a boyfriend, Liam?"
Liam shakes his head no.
"Who was that blonde boy with you?" Zayn asks and Liam has to open his eyes to remember that Niall was with him.
"Niall. He's just a good buddy of mine."
Zayn smles, starts fumbling with Liam's buttons to push his pants down to the floor, Liam's hand still in his hair. Liam's eyebrows raise when Zayn doesn't come back up but stays on his knees and Liam tosses his head back at Zayn mouthing his erection through his boxers. Zayn brings his underwear down as well and slides his tongue underneith the shaft and Liam groans, tightening his grip in Zayn's hair. Zayn laughs and stands back up to kiss Liam. Liam gets greedy and throws his arms around Zayn's shoulders. Zayn is taller than him, more fit from skating and pushing others around. He feels Zayn scoop him up from under his knees and set him back on the table.
"Hold on." Zayn speaks into his mouth. He backs up and goes into the office he disapeared in once before. Liam feels cold only wearing the silky feeling jersey. Zayn comes back and he's completly naked, holding a condom and a bottle of lube.
"Oh my god I'm dead. I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead." Liam thinks but his thoughts get cut off from Zayn's lips again. Liam runs his hands all over the boy's dark skin, soaking up his warmth.
"Turn around again." Zayne backs up and Liam complies, getting off the table and turning around. He feels one of Zayn's hands on the back of his neck softly push him down on the table, his arms folded undernieth him on his chest. Zayn kicks Liam's legs open with his own feet and pops open the lube bottle putting a generous amount on his two fingers. Liam swallows his nerves and gasps when Zayn rubs lightly at his enterance.
"Just relax..." Zayn says, the other hand resting on Liam's back. He looks up at his name on the back of the jersey and slowly enters a finger, watching Liam's breath hitch. He slides and twists it in and out of Liam before entering the other finger. Liam feels a burning in his stomach and moans when Zayn crooks his fingers just right.
"I'm glad you came to our game, Liam." Zayn said softly, adding a third finger.
"Well...I'm a big fan." Liam says breathless, still trying to relax. Zayn laughs and opens the condom with his teeth. He rolls it on his own erection and slathers more lube on it. He lines himself up with Liam and pushes in really slow.


Re: Liam/Zayn, possessiveness 4/4 buggzarlolo May 24 2012, 08:59:12 UTC
"Oh wow..." Liam closes his eyes and opens his mouth, moaning when Zayn's hips meet his own, pushed all the way inside of him.
"Okay?" Zayn asks resting his hands on Liam's back. Liam nods and moans when Zayn pulls out a little and thrusts back in, picking up his speed with each thrust. He find's Liam's sweet spot, hitting it perfect each time and making Liam cry out.
"Ah...aaah....aaaaah...."Liam slowly picks himself up off the table and holds himself up for a moment and hears Zayn groan from seeing his last name on the jersey before hands on his shoulders push him back down. Zayn thrusts, harder and harder each time and Liam can't handle it any more. He wiggles a hand inbetween his legs and start jerking himself off. Zayn moans and with a few more thrusts, Liam hears him grunt and let a breath out, slowing his thrusts. He slides a hand under to Liam's dick and with a few jerks Liam comes instantly from it being Zayn's hand. Zayn pulls out slowly.
Liam's sweaty and sore and breathless, but feels great. He slowly sits up and turns around, watching Zayn throw the condom away. He turns around and comes back up to Liam and sighs into his mouth when he kisses him again.
"I thought you said your hip was hurt?" Liam said slyly. Zayn laughed into his mouth.
"You're cute, Liam. Can I take you out to dinner sometime?"
Liam puts a blank expression on.
"What? Really?"
"Yeah, when we're done touring. We've got a few more games but, I'd like to come back and take you out." Zayn smiles and brushes the wrinkles out of Liam's jersey. Liam smiles and gives him a kiss on the cheek.

Liam walks back out to his car to find Niall leaning up against it, locked out.
"There you are, are you okay?" Niall says. Liam laughs and nods and explains that he saw Zayn and they talked in the locker room and that the jersey he was wearing is Zayn's. Niall smiled brightly, and shook the jersey he was wearing.
"No way! I ran into Harry after looking for you and he gave me his too! This is great!"
Liam unlocks the door to his car and gets in, leaning over and unlocking the other side for Niall. He watches Niall get in the car, telling him about Harry, and when he notices the small red mark on Niall's neck and how messy his hair is, he just smiles stupidly.

(Sorry my ?/? are messed up haha. 4 parts.)


Re: Liam/Zayn, possessiveness 4/4 intherubble May 24 2012, 17:35:59 UTC
This was awesome!


Re: Liam/Zayn, possessiveness 4/4 buggzarlolo May 24 2012, 20:57:43 UTC
Thank you (((:


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