Aug 30, 2006 12:00
Back in Eagan. This is weird. Weeeeird...for many different reasons. But mainly because I was in almost the exact same routine day in and day out for the past 3 whole months. And now I can do whatever I want for a week before I get into aNOTHER routine up in Daaaaaluth.
I don't regret for even a half a millisecond venturing to the Black Hills this summer to do theatre. It was an absolutely incredible, wonderful experience. I truly fell in love with it...
I gotta get my ACT together though, for REALSIES!!! (.....umm...ignore that.) Auditions are a week from yesterday, I move into my newwww apartment on Saturday, and everything's going to start happening at once. Oy.
Well, just thought I'd tell you I'm here, alive, and in a state of limbo. But...satisfied limbo.