fic: A Marriage of True Minds (H/L)

Apr 06, 2016 22:26

Title: A Marriage of True Minds
Author: sweetly_disposed
Pairings: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson, side Liam/Zayn
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Minor character death, infidelity (not between H/L)
Word Count: 46k
Summary: In which Louis and Harry first meet at the wedding of Louis' childhood friend, where Harry is a guest and Louis is doing his duty as best man. Over the course of a year, their paths continue to cross, and Louis finds himself becoming irreversibly entwined with Harry, falling harder and harder for him each time they meet. Despite the obstructions in their paths, they just can't stop coming back to each other.
But the course of true love never did run smooth, and in the end, Louis must decide. Either love who he should and be content with it, or love who he truly wants, forsaking all others, but risk hurting the people he cares about in the process. Although Fate hasn't always been good to him, this time, she might just be on his side.
Featuring four weddings, a funeral, speeches, karaoke, cocktails, cake, a healthy dose of heartache, and a love that just doesn't know how to quit.

Read on AO3 here, with the brilliant playlist by Ada, here, and artwork here

ship: harry x louis

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