Fic: every wave drags you to sea

Mar 18, 2016 17:53

Title: every wave drags you to sea
Author: alnima
Ship(s): Liam/Louis, along with side Zarry
Rating: Explicit
Wordcount: 77k
Warnings: Alcohol, swearing, minor injuries that result in blood, and very brief mentions of military/war/war injuries
"You know, you could loosen up. The work day is over.”

“Yes, mine is over, but yours is not.”

“No, you’re right. But I have twenty minutes before I have to get back to the raptors, so I’m on a break, you might say.”

“And you chose to spend it with me.”

“Yeah, I did. I saw you in the lab but didn’t get the chance to talk to you.”

“There’s a reason for that,” Louis says as he flips through his papers. He’s not really reading anymore but he’s still going to act like he is. He’s not really doing a good job with the whole, ignore him and he’ll go away thing, but maybe he can do that now. He can just focus on the-

“Are you still upset that we didn’t work out?” Liam asks and that-Well, how can Louis ignore that?

Or, a Jurassic World AU featuring Louis, the Director of Operations; Liam, the raptor trainer and dinosaur specialist; Niall, the tech and security genius; Harry, the baby dinosaur mother, and Zayn, the park's new guy.

Read on ao3 here
Wonderful, wonderful mix made by internetboxofficial here
Tumblr masterpost here, with graphic made by internetboxofficial as well

ship: liam x louis, genre: au, round: four, rating: explicit

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