fic: give this wandering soul a home

Mar 15, 2016 11:13

title: give this wandering soul a home
author: sunshine_flying (tiffinites on tumblr)
rating: mature
word count:105k
warnings: unprotected sex, excessive drinking, minor drug use, explicit sexual scenes, minor fighting/violence
summary: Louis Tomlinson lives in a sleepy town in Essex, near a small uni where all his friends seem to be going - except for him. He thrives on having a social life - with his best friend Liam at his side and the cherubic new boy Harry across the street, life is good. But when autumn comes around and everyone goes off to uni, Louis starts to spiral out of control.

The feeling of being left behind never really goes away, so Louis doubles his efforts to forget, hardly sober for more than a day at a time, and yet life still goes on around him. Louis wants to grow up, he does, it’s just that it’s hard to do when the ones around him are far more successful than he is. It isn't until his mother's harsh ultimatum that Louis is brought back to a sobering reality.

Covering nearly five years, this fic follows all the characters, though Louis most of all, as they work their way through relationships, road blocks, and more coursework than they can sometimes handle to come through alright on the other side. Through a series of ups and downs, Louis and everyone else settle into lives they’re pleased with - a task that several of them didn’t think was possible to accomplish. Inspired by Skins UK.

art by the lovely vulcains on tumblr: here (+tumblr masterpost)

read on ao3: here

ship: louis x zayn, genre: au: school, ship: harry x nick, ship: liam x other, round: four, genre: au: nonfamous, rating: explicit

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