(you can still be) who you wish you is; niall/zayn, nc17, 40k

Feb 18, 2013 01:20

title: (you can still be) who you wish you is
author: mermaidparades
pairing: niall/zayn (as well as important background harry/louis, vague little mix ot4, and a strong 1d ot5 above all else, obvs)
rating: nc17
word count: 40k
warnings: adult language throughout; various instances of drug use and alcohol consumption; one brief mention of sex with a minor
summary: because not long after that, three becomes five in such an effortless way, that Zayn wonders if his sister had known about this, as well. if she knew that this would be part of it all; just as much as the girls had been, as much as his art had become. he wonders if she knew he’d need a Niall and a Liam to be truly happy with his Louis and Harry. somehow, he’s sure she did. -- an american street art au, set in New York because i am predictable.
notes: can be found on posting site(s)

you can start with the masterpost, or jump right in on lj or ao3.

and don't forget to check out the awesome art by lesson_in_love, which you can find here!

round: one, ship: zayn x niall, ship: harry x louis, genre: au: nonfamous, rating: explicit

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