The Rules

Sep 13, 2012 01:00

Greetings, and welcome to 1d_bigbang, your local One Direction Big Bang challenge. You know that 1D fic you've been dying to write? The one about what really happened in the bungalow, or perhaps the one where One Direction are the stars of hit new show Keeping Up With One Direction and have to deal with even more publicity. Maybe you've been dying to write an epic about your OTP (or OT3… or OT5… or OT5), or even just a fic about one member and his girlfriend.

In any case, this is the place for you!

A Big Bang fest - for those of you who don't know - is a certain sort of ficwriting challenge that combines long fic with artwork/media. Writers and artists sign up, independently of each other. Writers write the fic, and artists pick a fic to work with based on premise, whereupon they will draw, vid, and/or mix a work to accompany the fic upon posting.

Here is the Round One schedule:
author signups: September 15 - October 15
artist signups: October 1 - November 1
first author checkin: November 15 (recommended word count of 5000 words)
second author checkin: December 31 (recommended word count of 10,000 words)
summaries due by: January 15
artist claim summaries: January 16
rough draft of 15000 words due by: January 20
final drafts due by: January 30
final art due by: February 10
posting begins: February 14


In this specific Big Bang challenge, there is a minimum wordcount requirement, for writers, of 15,000 words (no maximum). Fics can be gen, het, or (fem)slash. They can be as explicit as you want them to be. They can be AUs, crossovers, fusion fics, or completely canonical. The only requirement is that they include at least one (but preferably more) member(s) of One Direction.

You may co-write if you like. You may write more than one fic if you like. Your rough draft, due on January 20, does not have to be polished or beta read in any way; it just has to meet minimum wordcount at that point in time. When you send in your draft, you will also send in a summary of 1-2 paragraphs that will be posted anonymously by mods so that artists can claim your work. Once you send in your final draft, due January 30, you will be assigned a posting date. Close to posting time, posting guidelines will be published.

Artists, in this Big Bang, refers to mixers, vidders, and any other kind of traditional art medium (drawing, painting, manips, you name it!). Artists may claim just one fic at a time, but once one submission is done, are free to claim another.

If you are a mixer: your fanmix for the fic you choose should have at least 10 songs, though no more than would fit on a CD. Fanmixes should include album art of some variety. Host songs, either individually or in .zip format, either on a personal server or on mediafire (other sites expire quickly).

If you are a vidder: videos (or trailers) should be between two and five minutes long - think the length of a song. Either host privately or on youtube.

If you do not fall under these two categories: Drawing, sketching, painting, manips - all of these are great! Create at least one work of art for the fic, and include appropriate ratings. You will need to find a host yourself - any image hosting site that does not take down images regularly, such as imgur or tumblr, will do, but make sure that, if the artwork is NSFW, you do not host it on a site that deletes NSFW images.

You may choose to be both a writer and an artist; however, you may not create art for your own fic.

More than one artist may claim the same fic, but ONLY IF all fics have been claimed once already.

If, for some reason, you cannot complete your submission - that's totally fine, just let us know as soon as possible (especially if you are an artist) so that we can adjust our records accordingly/find a pinch-hitter if you are an artist.

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Comment here with your thoughts!
Forthcoming: signup posts, posting guidelines, etc.

your mods

round: one, ! mod post, ! schedule, ! rules

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