Title: Evil Heartbreak Messenger
Angel669Ship(s): Harry/Louis, side Zayn/Liam
Rating: Teen and up
Wordcount: 24,739
Harry poured the fragrant, golden tea into two mismatched mugs. "So," he said with a grin, handing Louis his tea, "why are we breaking up again?"
"Beats me." Louis winked. "Maybe we could start over." He leaned forward to snag a cookie, which wasn't all that easy considering the dual handicap of his bottom-heavy costume and those quicksand pillows.
"Hm. Maybe." A rosy blush crept over Harry's cheeks, matching his luscious lips. "But seriously, why did you call me a jerk, and what's with the outfit?"
Breaking up is hard to do...so hire someone else to do it for you! That's the motto of Louis's and Zayn's break-up agency, a business where they deliver these bad news for their clients. To sweeten the message, they wrap the words into a song and don animal costumes.
One day, Louis delivers a break-up to a student called Harry, who was unaware of even being in a relationship. Their immediate chemistry is undeniable, and Louis tries to recruit Harry for his business to see more of him. Unfortunately, Harry finds the business unromantic and doesn't want to play any part in promoting heartache...
Artist Contribution:
Kara on tumblr (she's
gutterqueen on LJ) made the amazing chapter banners--thanks, Kara!
A/N: thanks also to
Xenxan for the prompt, which was inspired by
this Japanese Adidas commercial Read Evil Heartbreak Messenger on AO3!