(no subject)

Jan 31, 2013 02:55

Hello, Big Bang participants!

Final Drafts are due today, unless you have spoken with us about an extension (if we somehow missed your request, please send us another message for our records and consider your extension granted). This does not have to be an actual final-final draft. You just need to have all of your scenes down, more or less - you can keep editing and fine-tuning plot/spelling/whatever up till your posting date.

Posting dates will be assigned based on the order in which we receive your final drafts. Remember that posting begins on February 14. We anticipate three weeks of posting, with one or two fics posted each day, but that is subject to change depending on the following: please let us know if you have any conflicts with any potential posting dates in that time range so we can schedule you accordingly. We will verify with you that your posting date will work before we put up the final posting schedule for easy reference.

This particular entry will be edited soon to include the list of the author/artist matches from the claims post thus far, with links to both the author and artist sign-up comments. You may use this to contact each other and work out any details - authors, if you want to share your fics with the artists so they have more to go off of than just your summary, that is more than okay.

We still have some unclaimed fic, so let your friends know that we need a few more sign-ups to take those spots or, if you think you may have enough time to put together any kind of art (fanmix with cover art, graphics based on the fic, drawings, anything), take a look for yourself! (You may claim up to two works at this stage in the game.)

Keep an eye on this space for the author/artist claim matchups. We're super excited about this and hope you are too!!

-your mods xx

ETA: Under the cut are the artist/author claims.

The order goes as follows: Claim number - Author - Artist. Each link is to the sign-up so that you may get in contact with each other if you have not done so already!
1. mermaidparades - lesson_in_love
2. No Claim - needs artist! (link to summary)
3. oanja - quietgalaxy
4. vixalicious - prettykitty_aya
5. popfly- starlight_sugar
6. lucy_and_ramona and spisby - mermaidparades
7. spisby & kisforkurama - aimmyarrowshigh
8. aimmyarrowhigh & spibsy - gutterqueen
9. threeturn - redscarfe
10. tink15782 - tiffanykuo801
11. vlieger - delugedpapercup
12. catchmelike - eachtoeach
13. aimmyarrowshigh - precipitiamo
14. spisby - numara
15. badjujuboo - catchmelike
16. arcadianmaggie - delugedpapercup
17. bloodfusion - foreverlarrup
18. el_em_en_oh_pee - kellykapoor
19. lovelylida - vixalicious (note: mods have fic as author is out of town)
20. mediaville/beckaandzac - elvira_was_here
21. No Claim - needs artist! (link to summary)
22. kueble - vixalicious
23. ohnoscarlett - gutterqueen/ tearupthetown [tentative]
24. prettykitty_aya - caddyeverafter7
25. shrdmdnssftw - cherrycoloured
26. alwayseven - mermaidparades
27. violentfires - tiffanykuo801
28. sha_na_non - beestings
29. snuffleslove - evian_fork
30. pukecrypukecry - thediamondskies

round: one, ! mod post, ! resources

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