check-in [2]

Nov 22, 2014 09:47


Howdy, this is the second official check-in post and you should be roughly two-thirds of the way through with your fic.

Within the next week, please comment with the following:

+ The username you used to signed up
+ Status of the fic! Let us know your current wordcount (we recommend at least 6k words, but only you know your pacing! Already done? Great! Haven't started yet? Great! Just let us know where you are) and whether, as of right now, you anticipate finishing on time.
+ How are you feeling about your fic/the big bang right now? Happy? Loving it? Hating it? Ready to start over again from scratch? Somewhere in between? Let us know!
+ OPTIONAL: Share a one-sentence synopsis of your fic thus far, just to drive up everyone's excitement for the fest :)


Questions? Comments? Concerns? Send 'em here or here.

! check-in post, ! mod post, round: three

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