Title: Walk Away, You're Messed Up
Pairing: OT5 (maybe a bit of Harry/Louis if you squint really hard)
Genre: Gen Fic, AU
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters in this story. I don't make profit with this.
AU, in which a jobless model, a retired footballer, a struggling singer-songwriter, an underrated actor and a failed popstar move into a house together for a new Reality TV format. They don’t know each other, but living in each other’s pockets, as well as overcoming ridiculous challenges every week, they become friends. They figure that they work better as a team than as individuals and in the end, it maybe isn’t about winning the show anymore.
Or: They are all second-class celebs, participating in a shit reality show, screwing over the producers and ruling the show, although they lose on every single challenge.
Inspired by
this post on Tumblr.
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