Liam/Harry, AU, Explicit, Requiescat

Mar 07, 2013 01:54

Author: cloudlessclimes
Band(s):One Direction
Pairing(s):Liam Payn/Harry Styles, Matt Cardle/Aiden Grimshaw
Word Count:~33 192
Warnings:violence, unprotected sex, minor character death, mention of past character death, playing fast and loose with the history of Roman Britain
Summary:req•ui•es•cat (r k w - s k t , -kät )
A prayer for the repose of the souls of the dead.
[Latin, third person sing. present subjunctive of requi scere, to rest : re-, re- + qui scere, to rest; see kwei - in Indo-European roots.]

A Liam/Harry present day AU. Very very loosely inspired by the 1986 film Highlander.

Liam works in an antique bookshop with Nick Grimshaw and sings in the pub with his friends Aidan, Matt, Niall and Zayn, dreaming of making it big in London and getting out of his grotty Paddington flat. He spends most of his time working, walking his fat Labrador puppy, and lamenting the fact that even though they went on two great dates, the thing he has for Harry Styles didn’t quite work out, yet he can’t quite get over him either.

Harry has problems of his own, facing down an ancient enemy without trying to hurt anyone, least of all Liam. But now is the time of The Reckoning, where Harry and the last few of his kind battle for The Prize.

A rainy night on Hampstead Heath brings them together unexpectedly.

In the end, there can be only one (oh yeah I went there)
Notes:Thanks to my amazing betas and hand holders, Cara, Shai and Kate. All remaining mistakes are my own.

I know no one, I own no one. This came out of my brain, please don't sue.

My wonderful mix was created by the fabulous quietgalaxy please go check it out here.


genre: au, ship: liam x harry, genre: fantasy, genre: angst, genre: au: nonfamous, rating: explicit

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