Schrödinger's Cat (Or, the Five Times Harry and Louis Both Met and Did Not Meet) [[Harry/Louis]]

Mar 02, 2013 07:57

Author: aimmyarrowshigh
Fandom: One Direction
Story Title: “Schrödinger’s Cat (Or, the Five Times Harry and Louis Both Met and Did Not Meet)”
Summary: “Schrödinger’s cat” is a paradox applied within the many-worlds theory of quantum mechanics which basically posits that if you have a box containing a cat and a flask of poison, until you open the box and determine whether the cat is dead or alive, it is both; within the theory of multiple universes, the box is a branching point, or a moment of divergence between the universe in which the cat is alive and the universe in which the cat is dead. Both are true in their own worlds.

When two people are fated to be together, their lives are full of such branching moments, instances that split the universe in two more actualities, one that begins their future together and one in which they have to wait a bit longer still.

These are the five moments in which Harry and Louis both did, and did not, meet.
Character/Relationships: Harry/Louis
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None. Very mild language and allusions, tattooing.
Story Wordcount: 15,200
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything. No claim of knowledge or veracity is made towards anyone in the story and no aspersions or claims of character are to be inferred. I have no connection nor permissions from One Direction, X-Factor, Simon Cowell, SyCo Inc., Sony, ITV, or Columbia Records. No libel intended.
Notes: THIS VERSION OF THE STORY DOES NOT WORK ON LJ’S MOBILE APP OR LJ MOBILE. For the mobile-accessible version of the story, please read here. Ditto if the columns are difficult for you to read, the plain-format version is here. :) And I’m aware that this isn’t really Schrödinger’s cat because it isn’t a paradox, but I liked it better as a title than the other options I thought of.

Thank you so much to precipitiamo for the beautiful art Here!


( Schrödinger’s Cat (Or, the Five Times Harry and Louis Both Met and Did Not Meet) )


{ Schrödinger’s Cat (Or, the Five Times Harry and Louis Both Met and Did Not Meet) }

genre: canon-compliant, genre: au, rating: teen and up, ship: harry x louis

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