How about an update kids? AAAAAlrighty.
Well I guess I'll begin with this past weekend. Last Friday I drove to Austin to meet up with my mom and Nana at my sister's apartment. I couldn't stay the entire weekend for two reasons 1) because I had a test on the following Tuesday and 2) Joey's parents were going to be in College Station that same weekend, and I wanted to see them too(you can guess which reason I told my mom). I drive up on Friday and end up beating my mom and Nana to her apt. My sister just got a new daucson 6 month old puppy. His name is Rambo and he's cuuuuuuute! Heres a pic:
Isn't he sweet?!?!?
That night the 4 of us go to P.F. Changs for dinner(yum), and my family gave me advice on how to handle the roommate situation. They said I should have a roommate pow-wow where we each get to name grievances with the other as a roommate and figure things to do to make them better. Not to bad, eh? Whatever, easier said than done...especially for me. All in all a pleasant evening out. We go to Wal-mart afterwards and pick up a few things and then go back to the apt and me, Rambo, and Jackie all snuggle in her bed and go to sleep. The next morning we go to La Madeline for brunch. Its some french place that my Nana used to go to in Dallas all the time, it was really good. We went to a couple stores and have our girly fun and then, alas, I have to leave. The drive home went well, but what I went home to wasn't was peaceful. The apt was a mess, there were used cups and half drunken water bottles with juice in them all over the place, not to mention plates and all that. I did my best to clean up just in case Joey's family, for some reason, wanted to stop by to see my apt. I took out the two bags of trash and on the way back I saw that I had a flat tire. EF! I mean, how long had I been driving with a flat tire? I couldn't remember hitting anything that would cause a break in the side of the tire. WTF, mate.
So I got into town at 7pm(exactly! really) and Joey's family hadn't arrived yet so me and Joey just hung out til they got there. When they did we all went out to dinner st Chedders and then watched The Longest Yard back at Joey's apt. It was funny, I'd recommend it as a fun movie to giggle at on a Friday night after a weeks worth of testing. The next morning we went to Roundtop to go to this semi-annual huge antique sale. It was cool to look at all the old stuff, but the coolest thing was what I bought. Check it out:
So yeah, how awesome is that?? I mean, I never knew Christ hated commies as much as I do! So I think I now have a thing I want to collect, random as hell pins. It was started when Sarah sent me some freaking awesome pins for my b-day last year (most of which I lost and I have no idea how too cause I don;t remember taking any of them out side to get lost...) and since I found this sweet ass pin I think i'll make it a hobby, so if any of you guys see a random, or just plain cool pin, there is always x-mas! (hint hint).
After we got back from Roundtop(about an hours drive from College Station) Joey's parents treated us to Swensen's(YUM!!!!). It's an ice cream parlor place. I'm addicted now.
So all in all the weekend went great. I studied for and took my Sociology test on Tuesday and got an A. Tuesday night I spent the night at Joey's and woke up Wednesday morning and walked to my apt to shower and get dressed. When I walked into my apt I saw that my couch was heavily disassembled, meaning all the pillows were thrown off it and all that. I was just like "Jesus Christ Ellee...". So I go into my room and look on my bed and there is a line of ants(the scary big black ones) going from the corner of the room on my bed to my big red pillow that was sitting on the edge of the bed. I was like "What the hell??", but I didn't have time to mess with the ant problem at that time, so I threw a couple ant bait things in the middle of the ant line and went to class with the plan to let them eat the bait and then when I was done with classes to Raid the ever loving shit out of them and the corner of my room. So I go to class and come home for lunch and Ellee was there(she usually has class but she was skipping to study for a test) and she told me they were all on her bed and on the couch too and that she already called the emergency line of our apt last night to get the pest guys out to kill the little fuckers, but as far as she knew they weren't in my room. So I showed her the trail of ants on my bed and I lifted my comforter and there were THOUSANDS of ants all over my bed. There are pictures and Ellees pic page: They were everywhere, and they weren't just sugar ants they were fire ants. I was so pissed. There were way more ants in my bed then anywhere else in the apt and I don't ever eat in my room. And on top of it I wasn't feeling good today, so I just left and broke into Joey's apt, took a nap and when I got back the pest guy had already sprayed. Ellee said that when he looked at my bed he said that that was the worst he'd ever seen. He had to call his boss to ask what to do it was that bad. All my bedding and most of Ellee's was thrown out on our balcony because they were full of ants, so I shook out mine as much as possible and washed them all. I've never seen so many ants. It was so bad.
So yeah, ass loads of ants in my bed I should sleep good tonight, right? PUH!