Nov 20, 2020 14:24
Evendently yes, it is.
I'd barely been getting into LJ these days, FB had stomped it rather flat and ate it's hat. But still I was using it to check in with my annual Thanksgiving list. I'd updated it just last year, afgter several years of simply looking up data and but not updating.
Then, LJ goes and decides that my PW is too old. Not only that, but it was still pointing to my old email addy. So I'm screwed, right? Thankfully no. Thanks to Fings and another freind who was an admin at my old ISP, I found out that the email addy I used to use was still there: no one was using it. So, some fuidging about and I was able to log onto my old address for the first time in about four years.
There was a vertiable mountian of spam which I cleared out just out of habit, but right at the top were the LJ PW Reset emails and I was able to get back to my account. Then, even better, in the past four years, LJ apparently figured out that folks might want to update thier emails to point to a new addy and I was able to get the done.
So, my posts from May 21st, 2004 are not lost forever....