Oct 23, 2006 15:48
I need to play a chromatic scale up and down as high as I can go for an audition I'm recording soon. No big deal, right? I've done this a gazillion times.
But something's not right, and I can't for the life of me pinpoint it and fix it. Every time, when I get to altissimo E, F, and F#, the right notes don't come up. Instead, much higher notes (the A and then whatever notes the fingerings for F and F# can also produce) come out, and the when I play the G above them... the G does in fact come out right every time, which is partially what is throwing me off.
Sometimes I can get the E to come out before the F or F# mess up, and occassionally the E and F, but I only got the F right less than 10 times in a straight-hour's worth of trying to fix this, and the F# never once played right.
I don't know what to do. I moved my embouchure all around - more mouthpiece, less, to the side, to the other side, more bottom lip, less bottom lip, more pressure, less pressure, etcetera. Nothing helped
Does anyone have any ideas?
Thank you!