Transformers - Reflector

Dec 19, 2008 16:02

Title: Reflector in Fifty Sentences
Fandom: Transformers G1
Character: Reflector
Theme set: Alpha
Disclaimer: Hasbro owns the Transformers. I merely borrow them for my own diabolical purposes.

1. Speak
Other Transformers are so accustomed to hearing his voice in triplicate that it is almost a disguise in and of itself to speak from only one mouth.

2. Touch
Reflector is small and lightly armored, so common theory said he was of a type that should be highly tactile; practice, however, proved a different matter.

3. Memory
A long time ago, he was three people, or so the rumors went, but Reflector always answered that he never remembered being anything other than one person with three bodies.

4. Vanilla
Skywarp is exuberant and thoughtless, enjoyably easy to manipulate, and he thinks it's funny to hurt people - Reflector finds this typical in a Seeker.

5. Chocolate
Thundercracker is serious and thoughtful, contemptuous of those who cannot fly, and he doubts the cause and the War - Reflector finds this intriguing in a Seeker.

6. Ways and Means
He has three times the duty-shifts of any other Decepticon, but the single photographs that find their way into Soundwave's quarters once a week mean his shifts never overlap.

7. Belief
Knowledge is power, and the all-seeing eyes are never fully closed.

8. Linger
Graffiti covers the doors to Reflector's quarters, layering on top of each other once there is no more blank space; everyone knows the camera only cleans it when ordered to by a vindictive Starscream.

9. Illuminance
"Where did you go, spy?" the Autobot demands as he enters the store-room; a small camera propped on a shelf catches his attention - and then there comes a blinding flash of light.

10. Ornament
"Black and purple are a pretty combination, and he's got a lovely set of wings."

11. Coup de Foudre
Love is blind, but Reflector is not; it still surprises him that his favorite lovers are as banally dull to the optics as Seekers.

12. Archway
Skywarp lounges against the Arc de Triomphe, and Reflector prowls around him, optics flashing as he snaps pictures.

13. Fate
He's a spy and a good spy, but he always knows that one day, he won't be good enough.

14. Pulse
The Autobots can listen to the radio-waves and hear any signal-traffic the Decepticons might make, and the Decepticons can't afford to lose the element of surprise; Reflector alerts the commander through coded light-flashes.

15. Envelope
Thundercracker and Skywarp talk back and forth, conversation shifting across an array of topics but never falling into silence while Reflector lay with them.

16. Cold
Reflector cocks his heads and points at the green Seeker he has been palling around with for several months now: "That one has been discussing deserting to the Autobots."

17. Need
He begged and pleaded, shaking with dry sobs, "Please, please, give me back my optics!"

18. Drunk
"Your name has such a pretty color," he babbled at Skywarp, and the jet just grinned and twisted his focus before offering him another cube.

19. Mask
Soundwave wears a mask to hide his emotions because he knows he cannot control his visual responses as completely as his auditory ones; Reflector wears no masks and rarely speaks for the reversed reason.

20. Rose
Thundercracker is a sharp white and black name, while Skywarp is the rose color between golden dawn and purple twilight.

21. Two
Losing a body is disorienting, and he constantly swirls around himself, trying to see in three directions at once with only two pairs of optics.

22. Fresh
Reflector is hardly gone five minutes to dispose of the cleaning supplies, yet when he returns to his quarters, the door is tagged with a new design: 'Frenzy beat you to it'.

23. Bribe
"Don't think of it as blackmail, think of it as giving me an incentive."

24. Error
"It smells orange," Reflector says and realizes he should have made something up in the same moment Mixmaster's optics brighten with curiosity.

25. Appetite
Once the walls of his quarters are covered three layers deep in pictures of the Decepticon ship and the view through the portholes, he seeks permission to scout ashore.

26. Refrain
Thundercracker had doubts, and he served on Earth, both together reason enough to report him; but Reflector remained silent.

27. Family
"They're not brothers - they're all three the same person."

28. Grieve
Starscream comes back from Autobot City alone, and while all of Polyhex rushes to prepare a coronation, the camera-spy walks onto a shuttle bound for Kaon and does not get off.

29. Vapor
The fog rises from the Rust Sea, blinding so many kinds of optical sensors, and he drifts behind the edge of it, right inside the Autobot camp.

30. Tea
The concept of color filters was so new and different that Reflector collected multiples of the same color solely for the slight variation between brands.

31. Medicine
"I'm not Thundercracker," the purple starfighter said, hand gentle on his shoulder; Reflector tilted his heads up to look at Cyclonus, finding words for the first time in years: "I know."

32. Moth
Sometimes he feared he is drawn to Skywarp and Thundercracker not as a lodestone to magnetic north, but as a moth to a flame.

33. Perfect
One monitors the viewscreens, one analyses scouting reports, and one converses with Soundwave; no action is miscued between his three bodies.

34. Rope
The cassette struggles in his grip as Reflector forces him into alternate-mode, but with six hands and a long length of steel cable, the cassette isn't getting away to warn his partner.

35. Win
Reflector snaps a picture of the two jets while Starscream yells at them to get a move on; "After you take Autobot City, you'll be heroes."

36. Crossroads
Rusted wings and corroded wheel-rims lie scattered around, pushed away from the edges of the road but slowly creeping back; Reflector looks at the intersection and tries to remember what long-ago battle was fought for it.

37. Summer
The sun turns the fields into tinderboxes, and Reflector barely needs to 'help' the wildfires to begin at all; if the mission didn't have such a tight time-table, he wouldn't have needed to strike the sparks himself.

38. Candy
Reflector steps into the Advanced Optical Research and Development Laboratory with small smiles on his faces as he takes in *everything*.

39. Photograph
After 2005, he never looks at the picture of he snapped of Thundercracker and Skywarp boarding Astrotrain.

40. Spoon
Each jet holds one of him to their chest, curled on their sides so the Seekers can comfortably hang their wings off the edge of the berth.

41. Forest
Thundercracker pins him against one of the massive redwoods, and Reflector almost regrets that neither of his other components are close enough to see what there is to see.

42. Mirror
The pictures he took said something about him, so Reflector strived never to let his photographs be seen unnecessarily.

43. Smoke
The wind changed, blowing in the smoke from Kalamata; it stung the exposed wiring in the side of one component, and he turned to take a picture as the jets dropped bombs on the city once more.

44. Shine
A glint of light catches his optics, and Reflector scatters before it registers in his conscious mind as sunlight on a rifle barrel.

45. Balloon
"How can we work so close to the Autobots' base?" Starscream demands; Reflector taps the area designated New Mexico on the map with one component and brings up the scouting report he filed on a datapad: "There is an Air Force test facility near here, and so the humans are all quite used to mysterious flying objects being mislabeled as weather balloons."

46. Vine
There is a shape under the kudzu that piques his curiosity because it doesn't look quite natural; when he investigates, he discovers a rusted-out car underneath the green weed.

47. Butterfly
He made an origami butterfly out of pictures of Thundercracker - "I wanted to give you back your soul."

48. Gloves
Reflector had toyed only lightly with the Stunticons before, but after they smashed his dark room in one of their races, he took the kid gloves off.

49. Venom
The sight of Starscream leaning in to speak to Thundercracker causes a burning sensation to spread out from Reflector's optics through the rest of his systems.

50. Remain
The Autobots will deactivate the bomb if he doesn't stay to keep them away from it; fortunately, it's not a job that needs three people.
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