Okay, guys. I have to admit it: this is part recap, part gloat.
You see, recently I opened up the old wallet, waited for the cloud of moths that swarmed out of it to subside, and splurged on this:
Some of you may recognise it from
post a while back. As you can see, it's a Sweet Valley sign, which, I am reliably informed by my eBay seller, was once used to advertise the series in a bookshop. I feel: sheepish, proud, and incredibly dorky.
I probably wouldn't have bought it were it not for the enormous, tacky, light-up pink heart, which is obviously awesome. As you can see, it has pictures of the twins (and other characters!) from across the series plastered on it. That's Jessica and Bruce from the cover of Playing With Fire top left, Liz and Tom Watts (I think? It could of course be Liz and Very Very Butch Jessica With Dark Hair) top right, twelve-year-old twins bottom left, and seven-year-old twins looking very cute but remarkably like hamsters bottom right. I'm kind of disappointed that whoever designed it didn't use more famous covers, such as the classic cover of Double Love, or the one with Jessica with her arms around that moustachioed college guy, or even John Travolta Bruce Patman, but that is only a minor niggle. After all, it lights up my room and advertises the Sweet Valley series to me! What more could a person want in a reading lamp?
I love it a lot!
(And Very Special Thanks to my friend
slumber who made all of this possible!)