Sweet Valley High #135: Lila's New Flame
This is the first book in the the three-part "Inferno!" (exclamation point) mini-series about Lila, Lila dating Steven, and Lila's house burning down. It was requested of me in the request thread. I don't what could have possibly given you the impression that I,
strangerface, would be interested in recapping books
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Comments 25
And I love Jess's photo album. You know, melodrama and gaping plot holes aside (because those are a given), this sounds like a pretty decent book.
Then when Amy and Jessica leave for class, Lila sees a shadow following her and starts to think she is being watched. I wonder who would be that creepy (boo)?
I laughed and laughed. Well done. I bid on an SVH lot at eBay tonight that includes Don't Go Home With John, and if I win it, I'm going to be sitting there going, "Boo! Hiss!" and giggling maniacally while I read.
(Yay for the new edit feature saving your inbox from an extra alert because I'm anal enough to delete and repost over one misplaced abbreviation!)
I want to start a trend where everyone just automatically says "Boo!" "hiss!" when the words "John Pfeifer" are uttered anywhere in the world. And then people actually named John Pfeifer will be forced to change their names (it's unfortunate for them to be named after a rapist/arsonist anyway.)
Edit feature is new! Yay!
Bo is some rich guy Lila met during a summer camp (I think 123, 124, and 125???) when the gang were camp counsellors.
Sweet Valley, Sweet Valley Hiiiiigh...
I think Lila's actions are very believable (which is a shock for a SVH book) but then again it's Lila and she's always right.
More hilarious timeline stuff. Are we to believe that this arson miniseries eats up a whole semester?? So everything that happened before book #135 happened in half a year? Lol.
And Steven thinks about how he's falling in love with her and it disturbs me a little that he seems to love her most when he thinks she's a crazy arsonist.
Yeah Steven, you are totally weird in this book series.
Devon seems to be a sociopath like our beloved Jessica because while thinking about his parents he complains that he barely noticed they were dead because when they were alive they were never around and never knew he got good grades.
I think this is meant to make us feel sorry for him, but you're right. It kinda just makes him sound like an asshole. I blame the ghostwriters.
He looks in the mirror and thinks he has the eyes of a cynical person. No, Devon, you have the eyes of someone who has eyes.
Lol! Awesome recap, strangerface ftw!
I think so too but it was really poorly done. He deserves those dreams of flames mocking "Poor little rich boy!" more than Lila!
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