This is number 16 in the SVHSY Series- Why is everyone wearing something on their heads in this picture. The bluish tint is annoying, it reminds me of the first Twilight film. I wonder if Liz will discover that Conner is really a sparkly vampire!
The A Plot
Liz and Conner are happily dating. Which is interesting since Conner, Mr. Emo McAngsty Pants, likes to Love Em and Leave Em. It's interesting to him and to Tia since Tia's all lonely now that Angel dumped her for cheating on him with Trent. I guess Angel's the I don't take shit kinda guy. Moving on. But the problem is, Liz is Miss Busybody (literally this time), if she's not busy with home work or working at Sedona, the make-up store at the mall, she's working on the Oracle. I'm wondering if Sedona is a cheaper version of Sephora? Whatever. The problem is, that Liz doesn't have time to dedicate solely to Conner which makes him a sad panda. Wah.
Conner's also a pissy panda cause his Mommy is coming home from rehab soon and he doesn't think she will have changed. He wants to talk to dear old Lizzie, but she's so busy, she's never around for him to pour his angsty crap on her ass. So what does he do? He goes to talk to Tia. Tia's all lonely and sad again because of Angel, so she's never going to have a relationship again. But, Tia's thinking she's got the hots for her bestie Conner when he comes over to talk about his Mom. But then Liz comes in and discovers this and it makes her mad. She understands that he and TIa are best friends, but she's all butt hurt that he went to Tia instead of her. She tries not to worry about it, but then she see's Conner and Tia talking and Conner brushes some hair out of her eyes. This causes many problems. # 1 Tia thinks she's attracted to Conner and gets super confused. # 2 Liz is so mad and upset that she tells Maria when Maria comes to visit her at work. Liz does her make-up and almost pokes her eye out with an eyeliner pencil. Get yourself together there Liz! Maria tells Liz that if this upsets her, then she should talk to him. Liz just writes it off and tries to let it go, but Maria decides that she's going to ask Conner herself because she doesn't want there to be any secrets like there were when she and Conner were together.
Meanwhile, Conner's mom returns from rehab and she's now trying to be June Cleaver and this annoys the hell out of Conner since he thinks she'll never change. Mrs. Sandborne tries to show her son that she's sorry by making him fried Chicken, but Mr. Emo won't stand for it. This time he does go to Liz which makes her happy and she thinks everything is all happy and full of sunshine and rainbows again. This doesn't last that long, however.
At school, Conner is leaving physics class when he is confronted by Maria. She says that she heard he was at Liz's and Conner doesn't know why she's telling him this. She says it was good he went to Liz's because she was sad about not seeing him enough and again, he gets mad. See a pattern here? Later that day, Conner is still pissed off at his mom because she said something like she was trying and she knows that things can't get fixed overnight and talking about money. In true Conner fashion instead of cooperating, Conner gets pissed off again and decides to blow off Liz.
Liz is sad because Conner blew her off. So she's determined to be lonely on a Saturday night. Jessica is insistent on Liz going to a party at the Riot with her, but Liz doesn't want to. She doesn't know what her boyfriend is doing, or rather who her boyfriend is doing. She's worried since she kissed Conner while he was dating Maria, that Tia will kiss Conner.
Oh Liz, I wish you weren't about to find out what happens next.
While Conner is blowing off Liz, he goes to Tia's house and they hang out and then they fall asleep in front of the TV. He wakes up at 3:42 in the morning and realizes he fell asleep. That morning, Liz drops by his house to surprise him and Megan with breakfast only to discover that he's not there! Liz realizes he must be at Tia's.
At the same time, Conner has just woken up to find himself in bed with Tia. He thinks she looks all sexy and he's turned on by her attitude and he kisses her. Tia's in seventh heaven kissing Conner and then the mood is ruined when she sees Elizabeth. Liz gets upset and runs out of the room in tears and Tia's mom finds Conner and is completely pissed.
B Plot
Andy is dating Six Hanson, the girl he met a Rock Climbing club. Remember her, she kissed him in the last book. So now, it seems they're dating and Andy is picking Six up for their second date. Six has her brother, Travis answer the door for her. While Six is primping, Travis is telling Andy about some European trips he's planning to take. But, Six shows up and is ready for their date and Andy leaves with Six, but he's confused because he'd rather talk to Six's brother than her. Before they leave, Travis gives Andy his big brother warning.
"Touch my sister and die." I think you're okay there Travis, you don't need to kill Andy, because on their date, Six insists on pulling off to make out and the minute she shows Andy her bra, Andy freaks out. He manages to keep Six at bay, by telling her it's only their second date and he doesn't want to go to fast. Really Andy, is that really what's going on? He doesn't believe it, but she does. He's not sure he's attracted to her and so he asks Tia for advice and she says when you're attracted to someone, you just know. He keeps trying with Six, he does, but Six just doesn't do it for him.
He finally figures it out when he invites Six to a get together at the Riot with everyone else. They're hanging out and Travis shows up. Again, he's talking about his European trips or whatever and Andy is listening intently. Andy's heart skips a beat and Six get's annoyed and is all "Andy, it's like you want to talk to my brother more than you want to talk to me!" He tries to make it up to her by dancing , but she gets to close and he freaks out, again.
He realizes that this has happened with other boys in the past and that he might possibly be gay. Sadly, this means he needs to break things off with Six. So he invites her out to the park and breaks up with her and she knows it's coming and she's okay with it. Now Six, for the rest of your life, you can tell everyone how you turned your high school boyfriend gay!
C Plot
Ken is mad at his dad for blowing his awards dinner off for his new girlfriend Asha. Ken's dad says that he will make it up to him and he's still mad. Asha comes by the next day and cooks dinner for a date with Ken's dad, and Ken blows her off. Ken tries to get his dad to make it up to Asha and he plans a date for them only to discover his dad went out with another woman.
Megan's dad left and if he calls she's cool, if he doesn't, she's still cool. She's not holding on to false hopes.
Melissa and Cherie are still bitches. Cherie says that Jessica is single and it's only a matter of time before she goes after Will again. Melissa says that Cherie doesn't need to worry because Will will never stray again. Crazy bitch.
Jessica wants to be single but will kiss Evan if he wants to kiss her.
Jeremy is making a game plan for himself now that Jessica just wants to stay friends.