The cover of the book features a photo of Todd looking puzzled. No change there then.
The back of the book promises some life-changing decisions. Apparently Jessica doesn’t want to grow up...but “being nineteen has its price”. Todd may risk giving up everything for Dana, and Sam is pushing Liz away.
I can tell you right now that none of these issues
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Back to the recap - what is the point of the character of Dana? Seriously, what does she bring to SVU? She was in one chapter in the Road Trip book I just recapped, and that one chapter was enough to make me want to burn the book. She actually makes Chloe look likeable.
And my university had a chocolate society!
This is the coolest thing ever. Also, I agree that the greek system has a bad rap, and sometimes it deserves it, but there are some really cool, easy-going houses out there.
(Sorry for the mini-rant. I know a bunch of sorority girls and I like them so I felt like I had to speak up :))
Question re greek houses: is it a huge deal to get into one? I'm just thinking about some of the huge Unis I've visited this year, and the idea that there's a "club" which everyone wants to just wouldn't work there. My only knowledge of American colleges comes from teen novels, like SVU, and they present this idea that EVERYONE wants to join a greek hour, and that it's like a popularity contest. And once you're in, everyone on campus knows who you are. I find this highly unbelievable, but please correct me if this is true. I'm just thinking about places like the University of Glasgow, where there are 160,000 undergraduate students. The idea that two twin girls are known and admired by every student is pretty amusing :) SVU must be pretty tiny for that to be possible.
But I doubt that a pair of twins would be known school-wide, no matter what kind of sorority they joined. It's completely ludicrous.
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