Sweet Valley High #95: The Morning After

Aug 01, 2007 00:02

When we last left our heroes, Lila was having her therapist arrested for fake attempted rape (par for the course in Sweet Valley, you know). Bruce was coping with his rage over Heroically Deaf Dead From Coke Regina by getting himself kicked in the head during the riot between Sweet Valley High and Big Mesa, but not before he spots a girl in the ( Read more... )

sweet valley high, recapper: irinaauthor, olivia davidson, doppelgangland, sociopathic jessica, attempted rape (fake), crazy margo

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Comments 41

hermione_like August 1 2007, 04:50:09 UTC
this book sucks. It’s horrible. Even by Sweet Valley standards.

I can imagine. I still need to do my recap of the book I read last month because it was just so bad, I can't really think of anything witty to say about it. (That, and I'm in the process of moving, but "it just really sucked" is a better excuse.) ;)

Roger, Bruce’s CousinBrother,

I hope I'm not the only one who heard Buster from Arrested Development upon reading that. XD


irinaauthor August 1 2007, 14:05:38 UTC
Hee! I was totally thinking of him and UncleFather Oscar when I wrote it too. Which book did you read last month?


hermione_like August 1 2007, 20:52:54 UTC
Hee! I was totally thinking of him and UncleFather Oscar

My family and I have way too much fun imitating Buster. My brother and I especially like to bother my sister by saying "Hey, Hermana" every time we see her. Also, my brother likes to make his own computer-printed wrapping paper now, and for my birthday, he drew Buster on one side looking sad, saying something like "My life sucks" and then on the other side, looking happy and saying "Happy Birthday, Hermana." Way too much fun. XD

I think it was #122 or something. It's no.2 in the trilogy about SVH's feud with...Palisades High, I think? The ones where Jessica starts cheating on Ken (again!) but this time with Christian Gorman who, oh noes!, goes to Palisades. But since it's the middle book (I don't have the first one), the whole book is everyone's reaction to the huge fight that happened at the end of the first book. All everyone does is whine and angst during the whole book, gah.


kiwiria August 1 2007, 07:42:46 UTC
Oh my!!!

Wow.... just wow! It's like a train-wreck. You don't want to look, but you just can't help yourself!

How about a psychiatrist, Alice? Jeez.
Ah, but don't you know? The Wakefield girls never need psychiatrists. Otherwise Elizabeth would have been rushed to one post-haste in "Dear Sister" once she started acting all weird... at least that was my mum's biggest complaint about that book (yeah, she actually read it, to see if it was a series she'd want me to read... I was 10). She would NEVER let one of her girls act like that and not do something about it.

Conclusion: My mum rules! Alice sucks!


ez_oz August 2 2007, 02:24:03 UTC
Hooray for Kiwiria's mum :-)


kiwiria August 6 2007, 11:09:26 UTC


esc_key August 1 2007, 16:22:40 UTC
At school, Enid is glad to see Liz, and it’s plain that Enid will stick by her no matter what.
Aww. Until the ghost writers fuck up her character in SVU. Enid :(

Liz was supposed to proofread Amy’s English paper, and Amy asks Jess to tell Liz she’ll come over at 7:30. Jess refuses to speak to Liz. Since when is Liz doing favors for Amy? I thought she couldn’t stand Amy, especially after the whole Dead Regina debacle.
Jesus. Find someone who wasn't involved in recent tragedy to read your paper. Oh, wait scratch that, that's no one in SV.

He also thinks that Lila made up her rape accusation against Nathan, because she’s “always been a tease.”

George is crazy. It's a wonder Lila turned out as awesome as she did, even with the problems.


irinaauthor August 1 2007, 19:19:38 UTC
I know, right? It makes Lila triply impressive, since she really had to raise herself.

Hey, I was wondering. I'm going to be out of town for three weeks, August 24-September 18, because of my wedding and honeymoon. Would you be interested in becoming a co-mod of this community and covering for me while I'm gone? It's not hard: it's really just adding links to new recaps to the front page and making sure nobody posts any ads or porn or anything. I'd love to co-mod with you, if you're up for it.


esc_key August 1 2007, 19:52:13 UTC
Ooh! Sure! I can't promise I won't totally abuse the power and make people do push ups or something though. :D

Wedding! How exciting! I hope no one gets pushed in any pools!


irinaauthor August 1 2007, 19:55:00 UTC
And that might be where you and I differ...it would pretty much be the best wedding in history if someone got pushed into a pool. Especially if it were my mom or something. And if Steve's mom were the pusher. And if there were hair-pulling first, and maybe a thrown drink or two. If I can't marry a Tragically Dead Italian Count Racecar Driver, I can at least have a Sweet Valley wedding!


versipellis August 1 2007, 18:15:43 UTC
BRUCE. Bruce is messed up.

And oooh, I remember what happened to poor Nina! That traumatised me for days.

This whole recap was great, I love it!


Magical Vodka ez_oz August 2 2007, 02:21:21 UTC
Ah, magical vodka, our old friend...

Aye, Todd is a tool. *nods*

At home, Mr. Wakefield and Steve gamely try to talk to the twins and make fake-normal conversation about a show called Hunks that sounds like The Dating Game.
And nowadays they'd me watching Age of Love. *shudders*

Remember, you're not just hugging your sister's boyfriend, but every single person he's ever hugged before.
That reminds me of the frog/toad episode of Family Guy - hilarious! :-)

On his way up the street, he daydreams about how perfect his serve is (he has a romantic daydream about HIMSELF!), and how excited he is to play tennis with Pamela. Bruce is such a freak.
*stares blankly in horror* Crikey, he really is crackers.

Pamela might just be a whore in sheep’s clothing
Love the analogy :-)

Aw, I'm feeling a bit sad reading Lila's story here - our favourite SVer is suffering :-(

Many thanks for the fantabulous recap, and have a lovely day! :-)


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