Oh man, this book was crazy! So much great commentary from you but "The Unicorns make earthquake based invitations and decorations (why are they making them? Lila's rich. Buy them, tightwads)." really made me laugh! :D
the last quake in SV was in 1972
I'm recapping a book right now that has an earthquake at the beginning - it seems that once the Wakefield girls hit puberty, earthquakes started hitting Sweet Valley all the time. In other words: NICE METAPHOR THAR, FRANCINE PASCAL.
"I'm recapping a book right now that has an earthquake at the beginning - it seems that once the Wakefield girls hit puberty, earthquakes started hitting Sweet Valley all the time. In other words: NICE METAPHOR THAR, FRANCINE PASCAL."
I also applaud the tightwad observation, and am continually surprised by the Unicorns' make 'n' do approach to things. I'd also love to see what an earthquake based decoration actually looked like - considering after said earthquake all decorations would probably be in a sad tangled heap on the floor scattered with the remnants of various snack items.
Also, a picture of a chicken with its beak cut off has to be the next 'Hey, Bruce'. I would do it but North London charity shops are empty of SV goodness and I refuse to actually go and buy the books in order to get recapping - Francine Pascal's evil pockets are full enough.
Erm - their invites had boulders on them, and letters decorated to look like stones. And they had the Earthcake - a cake they decorated with Monopoly pieces to look like SV they planned to cut with a jagged knife (not sure where they were going to get this knife from; maybe Lila would pay out to have it custom made). And purple streamers with Earthquake written on them I think. So, yeah. Lol!
The 'Bay usually has cheap ones and bundle deals...
Lol indeed at the level of detail the ghosties go into on party decor! If only they spent as much time focusing on things like continuity. Anyway, my mind is now at rest, thank you!
Rubbish isn't it? I've trawled all the secondhand shops in Islington and have turned up nothing. I used to own pretty much the entire SVT collection until I lent the whole lot to my patrol leader from Guides who then moved and failed to give them back (a sin on a par with being bigger than a perfect size six with stringy hair if you ask me.)
Amusingly I am coming to Finchley next week to visit a gaming shop. I shall now take pictures and refer to it as "the home of Daniella Fromage" on facebook and confuse all my friends who don't read this com!
the last quake in SV was in 1972
I'm recapping a book right now that has an earthquake at the beginning - it seems that once the Wakefield girls hit puberty, earthquakes started hitting Sweet Valley all the time. In other words: NICE METAPHOR THAR, FRANCINE PASCAL.
Daniella...? Everything I do, I do it for you.
Also, a picture of a chicken with its beak cut off has to be the next 'Hey, Bruce'. I would do it but North London charity shops are empty of SV goodness and I refuse to actually go and buy the books in order to get recapping - Francine Pascal's evil pockets are full enough.
The 'Bay usually has cheap ones and bundle deals...
Tell me about it! I live in Finchley and I honestly haven't come across a Sweet Valley book in any of the charity shops in years. D:
I don't mean to gloat you two but... Charity Shop Win. I guess Northants must be full of closet SV fans (or not, if they're getting rid of them).
I just use eBay mainly these days.....don't have time for book hunting anymore *cries*.
Amusingly I am coming to Finchley next week to visit a gaming shop. I shall now take pictures and refer to it as "the home of Daniella Fromage" on facebook and confuse all my friends who don't read this com!
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