I was trying to explain the Sweet Valley universe to someone yesterday and I realised that there isn't anything even remotely normal in those stories. What morals/ethics/values have you learned from reading Sweet Valley books?
some I came up with:
- Fake attempted rape is real as long as you believe it.
- Southern people will cut you up. Always.
- Don't do cocaine, or you will die.
- You can have sex with the whole school and not be a whore (lookin' at you, Jessica)
- Don't drink alcohol, or you will get into a car accident with your sister's boyfriend and he will die.
- You are as important as your car's number plate.
- Don't accept prizes from a phonebook competition or someone will try to steal your face and you could die.
- Soccer is a game people from South America play. Tennis is for champs.
- It's a shame to be anything other than White.
- "South America" also has pesky terrorists that strike when your spouse is on holiday there. The best course of action is to give your baby to an inexperienced 16-year-old boy.
- If your ancestors were great horseback riders chances are you'll inherit their physical prowess in times of stress. This has a vortex effect, as any horse you happen to be riding will also be chanelled with the riding spirit of horses past.
that's all I could come up with but I know there's a lot more out there! What has SVH taught you?