Nov 26, 2016 12:56
I am not a self made man. No one is a self made individual that I am aware of. Our lives and all that we receive are dependent on an interdependent relationship with self, others and environment. Some are more materially fortunate than others. I am not among the rich (in those terms). But let me tell you of some of the treasures I do have that were simply given to me. I could not have and do not claim to have earned them:
My physical body - For this I am thankful to my ancestors. All those who came before me to make my life possible. The stars that were sacrificed to form the dust from which my body is composed. My parents who came together to make it happen. The failing of an IUD - I would not be here otherwise.
My amazing constitution - I would surely be long gone by now were it not for this
My intelligence - Was granted me not earned. Then tended to by the generous support of others to develop into what it is now.
My health - that I am as healthy as I am despite my own attempts to sabotage this at nearly every turn.
My good looks - runs in the family :)
The Food I eat - For this I am thankful to the living entities who’s lives were sacrificed for my own. To the many hands that labor in the food industry. For all of those who have shared when I was in need. I have never had to go long without eating as may be apparent by waistline. This simple thing that some do not have - I could not have earned. We should never say that we have earned this simple thing when others do not enjoy the same. I do not consider myself more valuable than any child who is hungry. The abundance that I enjoy - I can only say I am grateful for. I am ashamed that I enjoy it while others do not.
The Love that has been given to me and the compassion I have received. There are no words for this. But it is and continues to be a gift that I could not earn in a thousand lifetimes.
My Family - I lucked out, simple as that. I didn’t pick them but if I had to I would not change a thing.
My Friends (the family we have a choice in) - I love them all. Those who have remained with me though the good, the bad and the ugly. Those who could have walked away but did not. Those who have wished the best for me even though I do not deserve a fraction of it. Those who have overlooked my offenses and accepted me despite them. Those many kind souls that walk with me hand in hand through this life. I will see you on the other side one day. And to those who chose to walk - I respect the choice and wish you all the best either way. All those who have called themselves my friend at any point. Thank you for what you were able to give - I remember you all fondly. For those friends to come - I have no right to expect you but somehow I know you will be there.
My many teachers - I would be lost without you. That I am able to understand this at all is thanks to you. Whatever mountains I may climb - you are the ones who taught me how.
Friendly Strangers - it is no easy feat to be one of these for anyone - I am more difficult than most. I do not know all of your names. I do not remember all the acts of kindness shown to me. I am however grateful for all of it and could not be what I am today without it.
My Enemies - Sometimes these guys have become the best among my friends. Sometimes we remain opposed on issues that seem irresolvable and yet I have been shown respect, been given dignity and mercy. This is also love and compassion - I do not overlook it. You have been my teachers as well - some of the most valuable lessons I have learned have come from you. Thank you for the opportunity. I pray for you also.
Every bit of Love and compassion that I have ever shown this world and those in it - it was first shown to me. I hope to remember this always and remain grateful.
Shelter/Environment - When we explore how unlikely life is in the first place, there is a long list of beings responsible for the roof over are heads and an environment in which to live and thrive.
Reality itself seems to be benevolent and not hostile.
The universe and the sun in particular - provide the possibility for life.
Our dear Mother Earth - So abused, still giving us everything we need.
Trees and other living organisms that support and maintain the very Air we breath.
The Oceans - We would not have life or a proper atmosphere without them. I am thankful to all the living organisms that we depend on for all this to happen.
The labor and charity of others - how many of us could reproduce the technology to build even a simple home on our own? We depend on so many to contribute to the process of living in a home. Sometimes this is provided as a service - with a monetary price. Still we could not of our own means duplicate what is provided - it is a gift as well. Sometime it is simply given - the charity of others. I have to say I am grateful for all those who have helped. I do enjoy air conditioning and indoor pluming. Without proper housing I would most likely not be among the living. All those who contribute have saved my life. Thank you.
Wisdom - whatever wisdom I may possess was granted me by the sages, philosophers, saints and poets that I have encountered (sometimes only shadows in written word and echoes on the lips of others) and those immortals that came before.
Gratitude - I came into this world and insolent child. Demanding, arrogant and self-absorbed. I was taught gratitude and now it is the only coin with which I have to attempt to repay my incredible debt for all those wonderful things I have been given.
God - some people believe in God/Dess or gods and goddesses. I believe in everything that is real and a few things that may not be too. For me Divinity is a fact - argue how you may against it. Divinity resides within and without and sustains all things. The opportunities to be as we are has been provided. I thank God - the cause and maintainer of those opportunities. I have been provided many choices and been accompanied through it all. We are a stranger to everyone except This mysterious God - To this Spirit I am grateful for it all. And grateful to be known.