Aug 27, 2013 17:52
Because The highest and truest compassion does not consider merit
May I cultivate and perfect the sincere heart within
Because all have suffered
May all beings be happy and suffering cease
May all beings posses a growing love and compassion for all
That nothing should be wasted
May all beings be saved
And may peace be with all beings
May the powers of peace stay with me and flow through me
May compassion perfect itself in me
May its power dwell with me
May I know that it is me
Because ignorance causes suffering
May all beings come to the truth and knowledge of the truth
May each path lead to Truth, peace, compassion and an end to needless suffering
May this be a blessing to myself and all beings
May the power of this blessing protect me
In the many names of all that is holy and good
May all beings be blessed and needless suffering come to an end
And may all beings come to the truth and find perfected love within
And may all beings receive what is needed along the way to this
May all beings have a growing perfect peace
May this blessing do no harm
May the compassion of this intent grow within me
May the power and the wisdom of this compassion lead me along my path
May the knowledge that I possess grow and mature so that I may share what is helpful
May the gentleness of this blessing be a comfort to all beings
May this gentleness grow withing me becoming perfected
May it lead to no harm and cause no harm
May all beings come to the knowledge of truth that will save them
May all beings find their way
May all beings achieve enlightenment
May a perfect and growing love guide me in all things that I do
May this love stay with me
May my own love grow in its likeness
May all have peace
May all beings be happy
May all beings benefit from this compassion and this blessing
And may I grow and evolve without loss and without causing harm as a result
May my mind, heart and spirit understand this blessing and its power
May I help those in need and all those I love along my way without causing harm
May the Truth protect me
May this discipline transform me without loss
May I see the way to spread this blessing without causing harm
May all beings be healed
May all needless suffering end
May all beings know Love and Compassion
May all receive what is needed for this work to be done
May this cause no harm but may this blessing spread to all beings
By the many names of all that is good and holy and by the power of those
And by my own power and consent to the Highest Good
May it be so and may all those who consent to this blessing Benefit Ten thousand fold
May it be so
So it is
May my words of power possess the power and intent of this blessing completely. May these words of power activate, nurture and empower this blessing fully. May my words of power cause this blessing to grow and multiply within and without spreading to all beings. May this cause no harm. May I use these words of power to trigger this blessing completely in myself and the power to project it to all beings without causing harm. May these words of power when used perfect this blessing and its power. May these words of power spread this blessing to all beings without causing harm. It is so.
Ion Ace Ight
ion ace ight,
words of power,