Sep 21, 2008 09:40
i'm going to California in ten days! that's right, i'm finally gonna make it to Disneyland! i am so psyched. we fly out on the first of October and come back on the 6th. i get to miss four days of school (the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 6th) so i can't wait. i haven't been to any Disney park since February of '05, and that's pretty much a crime considering who i am. so, when i'm not on facebook or anything those days, that's where i am, baby!
also, i got into dead man walking! i play "victim family member #1," which is basically a character in a support group for parents of murder victims. the audition for this was the first one in my entire life where i didn't stutter. not even once. netta said i've come a long way since i let out that bloodcurdling scream in the pop-up ads play. that made me laugh.
i can't believe i actually wanted to get rid of latin. that class ROCKS. i don't care if it's a "dead" language (we're not even allowed to say the d word in class), it's wicked fun. the other day, i was really bored, so i checked a english-to-latin dictionary out of the library and started translating lines from both "national treasure" movies!! here's an example:
quis vult ire de terribulis canalis intra sepulcrum primus? (who wants to go down the frightening [creepy] tunnel inside the tomb first?)
i know that this may constitute as having barely any life, but i could not possibly care less. i know how to quote my favorite movies, in a language barely anyone uses!
i pretty much shouldn't have worried about the seniors leaving. in fact, there's this one freshman i've totally bonded with. her name's monica, and she's in both chorale and latin with me. she also adores national treasure, and riley is her favorite character, just like me. we even took the same shift for the cake booth at the four town fair, and we both bought pairs of matching friendship bracelets. we kept one, and gave the other to the other girl. i love her.
well, i guess that's all for now.
peace and love.