Apr 10, 2008 22:12
I got one.
I like it.
A lot.
I am surprised that iPhone Doesn't:
- Voice Dial.
- Search, OSX without "Spotlight", scrolling through my 480 contacts is entertaining... scroll, scroll... Wee, oops Scroll Up!!
- Cut and Paste, If I have an email that is informing me of a an event, and I want to add it to my calendar. I have to Memorize EVERYTHING and finger type it into the events.
-PUSH Mail, for Yahoo only, I want PUSH mail on my .MAC! (might be in the update in June, I doubt it.)
-No MMS Messaging...
-Dial from an event. Example, this is what iPhone does: I get an email with a signature containing a phone number and it automatically becomes a link, I click it and I call the number, NICE! My suggestion: I have an event saved in my calendar, I save a contact phone number, it becomes a link too! TM. (my idea)
-Flash on Websites.
-Record Video, Pictures only.
-Voice Memos (this will change with the update in June.)
-Sound quality, good, but not great.
The list of things it doesn't do is huge, it doesn't make my bed, it's not waterproof, can't "beam me up scotty..."
Overall, it's the best phone I have ever used, I am a Palm pilot addict, and I miss my stylist, but overall I like the iPhone, I am just surprised that it doesn't do some of the things that my Moto SLVR did.