Oh yeah

Jun 11, 2021 04:23

I was supposed to mention about my internet troubles.
It all began when I finally moved my computer ( I still have a desktop) up into my parents' old bedroom, which is now my office. I thought you could just moved everything and connect up to a phoneline and all I had to do was contact earthlink.
It turns out I had to contact Verizon and have them send me equipment (router) and get their line ready for internet. All told (after several calls between Earthlink and Verizon) I now have my computer upstairs in my new office and not in the basement.
All in all it took me about 3 weeks to get internet to my office. If I had known to call Verizon first, I could've avoided a lot of trouble. So there was 3 weeks without internet, doing a lot of stuff on my phone.
My next computer will be a laptop.
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