Jun 28, 2004 19:41
Hi yep this is my secound journal if you wish to see the other its ~1baby1~.....yeah so Thursday I went to the movies with Will we saw The Chronicles Of Riddick (great movie) I really liked all the visual effects which were all that much better on the big screen of course it was great to get to see and spend time with him.....Friday I went to J-chan's to spend the night We met Kimi and Amanda at lakeside to hang out really fun although they had me go on a lot of the rides that make me want to barf but I had a blast none the less ealier before Lakeside we went to Buy Back Games and we got Resident Evil Out Break (Kevin and David are totally hot)We were at lakeside till about ten then went in search of a Subway which the first one didn't except our coupon ticket things from the library so we went to a secound on but we were off we were sapposed to be at 120th and we were at 80th oh well so by that point we were aproaching Curfew so we all split me and J-chan went bakc to her place hung for a while and then passed out.....Then on Saturday I ivited J-chan to come to a thrash metal up and coming concert held by Infexious Recordz the bands we saw were Bucket, Corruption and Control Element we missed the first band....it was awesome we took her home after the concert and mom and I didn't make it home till about 2 it was a blast yeah I think thats about all so I'm gonna leave for the time being...
MUCH LOVE <3 :D :) :P