Sep 06, 2006 02:26
Why should we judge something as being wrong? Truly, if we judged the actions of the judgment, we would be assuming that this has always been, and always will be wrong. For this, I am going to use an example, more specifically, the action of homosexuality. This has been a topic of hot debate recently among different legislations and countries across the world, as well as a favorite sermon for most Judeo-Christian religious facilities. Given the different sides of the argument, I choose the stance of it being right. And with my views that it is right, it makes me wonder, " What exactly is wrong with homosexuality?"
One of the main prosecutors of homosexuality is religious organization. This belief that homosexuality is wrong has been long-stranding with Judeo-Christian religions, mostly from the Jewish side of the argument. One could argue that this was because many of the tribes of Israel needed the entire nations son's that they could muster for their ancient warring ways. This is one of the main reasons why religions are against it, in a logical reason.
Another reason, one which it was more geared towards the Christian side of the argument, is that it is set against a wrong due to a Greek holiday that was held in which men fornicated with each other. This holiday was not intended as praise towards the Christian God, so the early Christians declared this a secular act, due mostly because it was not honored as an act of sanctifying God. If something had no purpose, why do it? With this quotation, I assume that it would be the purpose of fornication and attempting to have offspring to be the next generation of the people.
These are some of my points on why homosexuality is said to be bad. In truth, I am far from gay, truthfully I was engaged to a girl to be wed, but that is aside from the point I was going to make on it. But, I will use that as a counter-argument against my claim. Homosexuality is bad because it conflicts with human nature. If we take the religious aspect out of homosexuality, then it's left with nothing but emotions and physical sensations.
Now, this part is the more reason why it should not be allowed. Survival of the fittest allows us as humans to have a reproductive system that allows us to breed and implant the next generation to surpass our own. Homosexuality yields no true results in their argument of this. Adoption is good, though, it doesn't solve the homosexual couple's problem with fertilization.
I realize that this paper was geared more towards a singular topic, but this topic is but the key centerpiece of my argument. One of the key factors in history is that the entireties of social norms were laid down by religious organizations of one type or another. These were meant to help stabilize ancient political//economic//and public affairs. With the proper application, I can see how this model of thought can be allied with different versions of thought, and how the truth of religious thought can be shown from it's early days of strong claim over rulers, to it's more recent endeavors.